Solved Getting last set block?

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New Member
Aug 4, 2024
Hey! I wanted to ask how I can get a block in an expression, that just was set. Sounds weird but if you see the code it should be understandable:

set block below block below player to north facing magenta glazed terracotta
set {Chance.%Last set block%} to arg-2
What comes here? /\
I tried using this:

Set Code
set {MGT} to south facing magenta glazed terracotta
set block below block below player to {MGT}
set {Chance.%{MGT}%} to arg-2

Retrieving part:
loop all blocks in radius 6.5 around player:
if loop-block is magenta glazed terracotta:
set {random.%loop-block%} to random integer between 0 and 100
if {random.%loop-block%} is less than or equal to {Chance.%loop-block%}:

but it still doesn't work because the variable isn't saved in the block. It's saved in the variable and I can't use that.
I'm assuming you want the position data saved as well? You could do something like

set block below block below player to south facing magenta glazed terracotta
set {_MGT} to block below player
set {Chance.%{_MGT}%} to arg-2

off the top of my head. Its not pretty but for a quick fix it should work.
omg, thank you so much! I just couldn't find this on the internet! Marking this as solved...