Get the variable with the highest value?

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Jun 15, 2019
Hi, so i got 10 players, each with a variable named {votes.%player%}, and i want to find the name of the player with most votes. I've been trying for around 6 hours, and havent found a solution for this, so hope someone would help. Thanks in advance!
I would recommend you to use arrays: {votes::%player%}
loop {votes::*}:
    if {_best} is not set:
        set {_best} to {votes::%loop-index%}
        set {_bestplayer} to "%loop-index%"
    if {votes::%loop-index%} > {_best}:
        set {_best} to {votes::%loop-index%}
        set {_bestplayer} to "%loop-index%"
send "%{_bestplayer}% has the most votes."
Should work.
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If you do not want to use list variables, you can loop all players, then check if each player's votes are over eachothers. This would be extremely complicated of course, so I'd rather you use arrays instead.

I'm extremely confused by this as well, but I hope this works.

Another alternative is setting a variable to the last looped player's variable, but you still must loop all players.

loop all players:
  if {last} > {highestvotes}:
    set {highestvotes} to loop-player
    set {last} to {votes.%loop-player%}
    if {last} < {highestvotes}:

Make of this what you want, I did not intend for this to be spoonfeed.
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If you do not want to use list variables, you can loop all players, then check if each player's votes are over eachothers. This would be extremely complicated of course, so I'd rather you use arrays instead.

I'm extremely confused by this as well, but I hope this works.

Another alternative is setting a variable to the last looped player's variable, but you still must loop all players.

loop all players:
  if {last} > {highestvotes}:
    set {highestvotes} to loop-player
    set {last} to {votes.%loop-player%}
    if {last} < {highestvotes}:

Make of this what you want, I did not intend for this to be spoonfeed.
The problem is: if you loop players all the players must be online; if you loop variables there is no such problem. I would just recommend to skip to using arrays.
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