Solved get money from mobs

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Feb 8, 2020
Skript Version: Skript 2.2 (dev20c) (i forgot, i'm going to assume its that version)
Skript Author: Bensku
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
I am trying to make a script that gives you money when you kill a mob (for example, a zombie).
I am aware that there are other plugins that do this, i just want to know how to recreate them with Skript.
When I kill said mob, I don't get the money.
There doesn't seem to be any error messages, almost like Skript ignores its existence.
Here's the code
on death:
  if victim is zombie:
    execute command "/eco give %player% 10 "
    send message "&6You got &e$10 &6for killing a &eZombie&6!" to player
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Have you tried searching the docs? Yes
Have you tried searching the forums? No results
gett vault and use
add X to playersp balance

Also use a newer skript version. Yours is very old
So, how should the code look like? I'm not sure what you mean by "use add X to playersp balance"
by the way i know my skript version its 2.4
So, how should the code look like? I'm not sure what you mean by "use add X to playersp balance"
by the way i know my skript version its 2.4
he ment "add X to player's balance" and install plugin called VAULT
Step 1. Download Vault plugin.
Step 2. Potentially skVault?
Step 3. Replace 'execute command "stuff"' with 'add 10 to attacker's balance".
Also, I'm pretty sure that there isn't a 'player' in a death event, only attacker and victim.
Oh, also, use 'execute console command'
Don't install SkVault. It's to connect plugins currency with skript variables but it breaks other expressions and is poorly made.
on death:
  if victim is zombie:
    add 10 to attacker's balance
    send message "&6You got &e$10 &6for killing a &eZombie&6!" to attacker
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