Skript Version: Skript 2.2 (dev20c) (i forgot, i'm going to assume its that version)
Skript Author: Bensku
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
I am trying to make a script that gives you money when you kill a mob (for example, a zombie).
I am aware that there are other plugins that do this, i just want to know how to recreate them with Skript.
When I kill said mob, I don't get the money.
There doesn't seem to be any error messages, almost like Skript ignores its existence.
Here's the code
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Skript Author: Bensku
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
I am trying to make a script that gives you money when you kill a mob (for example, a zombie).
I am aware that there are other plugins that do this, i just want to know how to recreate them with Skript.
When I kill said mob, I don't get the money.
There doesn't seem to be any error messages, almost like Skript ignores its existence.
Here's the code
on death:
if victim is zombie:
execute command "/eco give %player% 10 "
send message "&6You got &e$10 &6for killing a &eZombie&6!" to player
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