Solved Function wan't WORK. Plz check my code....T_T

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donghan kim

New Member
Sep 7, 2018
MY code: (if applicable)

There is no error in my console, but the function does not work.

I have an error which I do not understand or I think the function is wrong, I do not know why FOREVER.

Can you tell me why a function does not work?

( My function's name is Remain(p: player, v: text) )

on leftclick with 403:
    if {animal::%player%::*} is not set:
        set {animal::%player%::cow} to 0
        set {animal::%player%::mooshrooms} to 0
        set {animal::%player%::pig} to 0
        set {animal::%player%::chicken} to 0
        set {animal::%player%::sheep} to 0
        set {animal::%player%::donkey} to 0
        set {animal::%player%::mule} to 0
        set {animal::%player%::polar} to 0
        if {maxanimal::cow} is not set:
            set {maxanimal::cow} to 10
            set {maxanimal::mooshrooms} to 10
            set {maxanimal::pig} to 10
            set {maxanimal::chicken} to 10
            set {maxanimal::sheep} to 10
            set {maxanimal::donkey} to 10
            set {maxanimal::mule} to 10
            set {maxanimal::polar} to 10
# 소 버섯소 돼지 닭 양 당나귀 노새 북극곰 순서임

    set {_animalname.%player%} to name of held item
    if {_animalname.%player%} contains "&a소 &f- spawnbook":
        cancel event
        if {animal::%player%::cow} < 10:
            remove 1 of held item from held item
            run player cmd "summon minecraft:cow" as op
            add 1 to {animal::%player%::cow}
            message "&6[MKC]&f Animal(&a&l소&f) was born!"
            message "&6[MKC]&f Animal(&a&l소&f) wasn't born!"
        message "&6[MKC]&f 소 Number of Born : %{animal::%player%::cow}%/%{maxanimal::cow}%"
        Remain(player, {animal::%player%::cow})
    if {_animalname.%player%} contains "&a버섯소 &f- spawnbook":
        cancel event
        if {animal::%player%::mooshrooms} < 10:
            remove 1 of held item from held item
            run player cmd "summon minecraft:mooshrooms" as op
            add 1 to {animal::%player%::mooshrooms}
            message "&6[MKC]&f Animal(&a&l버섯소&f) was born!"
            message "&6[MKC]&f Animal(&a&l버섯소&f) wasn't born!"
        message "&6[MKC]&f 버섯소 Number of Born : %{animal::%player%::mooshrooms}%/%{maxanimal::mooshrooms}%"
        Remain(player, {animal::%player%::mooshrooms})
    if {_animalname.%player%} contains "&a돼지 &f- spawnbook":
        cancel event
        if {animal::%player%::pig} < 10:
            remove 1 of held item from held item
            run player cmd "summon minecraft:pig" as op
            add 1 to {animal::%player%::pig}
            message "&6[MKC]&f Animal(&a&l돼지&f) was born!"
            message "&6[MKC]&f Animal(&a&l돼지&f) wasn't born!"
        message "&6[MKC]&f 돼지 Number of Born : %{animal::%player%::pig}%/%{maxanimal::pig}%"
        Remain(player, {animal::%player%::pig})
    if {_animalname.%player%} contains "&a닭 &f- spawnbook":
        cancel event
        if {animal::%player%::chicken} < 10:
            remove 1 of held item from held item
            run player cmd "summon minecraft:chicken" as op
            add 1 to {animal::%player%::chicken}
            message "&6[MKC]&f Animal(&a&l닭&f) was born!"
            message "&6[MKC]&f Animal(&a&l닭&f) wasn't born!"
        message "&6[MKC]&f 닭 Number of Born : %{animal::%player%::chicken}%/%{maxanimal::chicken}%"
        Remain(player, {animal::%player%::chicken})
    if {_animalname.%player%} contains "&a양 &f- spawnbook":
        cancel event
        if {animal::%player%::sheep} < 10:
            remove 1 of held item from held item
            run player cmd "summon minecraft:sheep" as op
            add 1 to {animal::%player%::sheep}
            message "&6[MKC]&f Animal(&a&l양&f) was born!"
            message "&6[MKC]&f Animal(&a&l양&f) wasn't born!"
        message "&6[MKC]&f 양 Number of Born : %{animal::%player%::sheep}%/%{maxanimal::sheep}%"
        Remain(player, {animal::%player%::sheep})
    if {_animalname.%player%} contains "&a당나귀 &f- spawnbook":
        cancel event
        if {animal::%player%::donkey} < 10:
            remove 1 of held item from held item
            run player cmd "summon minecraft:donkey" as op
            add 1 to {animal::%player%::donkey}
            message "&6[MKC]&f Animal(&a&l당나귀&f) was born!"
            message "&6[MKC]&f Animal(&a&l당나귀&f) wasn't born!"
        message "&6[MKC]&f 당나귀 Number of Born : %{animal::%player%::donkey}%/%{maxanimal::donkey}%"
        Remain(player, {animal::%player%::donkey})
    if {_animalname.%player%} contains "&a북극곰 &f- spawnbook":
        cancel event
        if {animal::%player%::polar} < 10:
            remove 1 of held item from held item
            run player cmd "summon minecraft:polar_bear" as op
            add 1 to {animal::%player%::polar}
            message "&6[MKC]&f Animal(&a&l북극곰&f) was born!"
            message "&6[MKC]&f Animal(&a&l북극곰&f) wasn't born!"
        message "&6[MKC]&f 북극곰 Number of Born : %{animal::%player%::polar}%/%{maxanimal::polar}%"
        Remain(player, {animal::%player%::polar})
    if {_animalname.%player%} contains "&a노새 &f- spawnbook":
        cancel event
        if {animal::%player%::mule} < 10:
            remove 1 of held item from held item
            run player cmd "summon minecraft:mule" as op
            add 1 to {animal::%player%::mule}
            message "&6[MKC]&f Animal(&a&l노새&f) was born!"
            message "&6[MKC]&f Animal(&a&l노새&f) wasn't born!"
        message "&6[MKC]&f 노새 Number of Born : %{animal::%player%::mule}%/%{maxanimal::mule}%"
        Remain(player, {animal::%player%::mule})
function Remain(p: player, v: text):
    if {_v} < 2:
        message "■□□□□□□□□□" to {_p}
    if {_v} < 3:
        if {_v} > 1:
            message "■■□□□□□□□□" to {_p}
    if {_v} < 4:
        if {_v} > 2:
            message "■■■□□□□□□□" to {_p}
    if {_v} < 5:
        if {_v} > 3:
            message "■■■■□□□□□□" to {_p}
    if {_v} < 6:
        if {_v} > 4:
            message "■■■■■□□□□□" to {_p}
    if {_v} < 7:
        if {_v} > 5:
            message "■■■■■■□□□□" to {_p}
    if {_v} < 8:
        if {_v} > 6:
            message "■■■■■■■□□□" to {_p}
    if {_v} < 9:
        if {_v} > 7:
            message "■■■■■■■■□□" to {_p}
    if {_v} < 10:
        if {_v} > 8:
            message "■■■■■■■■■□" to {_p}
    if {_v} < 11:
        if {_v} > 9:
            message "■■■■■■■■■■" to {_p}

Other Useful Info:

Addons using (including versions):
sharpSK 1.6.3
skllett 1.9.6b
SkAction 2.2

You're trying to use number comparisons (< and >) with a text (function Remain(p: player, v: text))
EDIT: you are calling the functions the right way, but you didn't define it right.
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