Function errors

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New Member
Nov 7, 2019
Skript Version: 2.4.1
Minecraft Version: 1.15.2

Full Code:

    AMOUNT_Grass: 8
    SINGLE_Grass: 5
    AMOUNT_Dirt: 8
    SINGLE_Dirt: 3
    AMOUNT_Redstone: 8
    SINGLE_Redstone: 10
    BUY_Redstone: %{@AMOUNT_Redstone}*{@SINGLE_Redstone}%

function setShop(slot: integer, player: player, amount: integer, item: item, buy: number, menu: string):
    if inventory name of {_player}'s current inventory is "&2{_menu}":
        if event-slot is {_slot}:
            if {_player}'s balance is more than {_buy}:
                if {_player} can hold {_amount} {_item}:
                    remove {_buy} from {_player}'s balance
                    give {_player} {_amount} {_item}
                    send "&cYou do not have enough inventory space."
                    play sound "ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO" at player
                send "&cYou do not have the suffcient funds."
                play sound "ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO" at player

command /shop [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is "blocks":
            open virtual chest with size 5 named "&2Blocks" to player
            set {_slot} to 0
            loop 45 times:
                format a gui slot {_slot} of player with dark gray stained glass pane named "&f" to do nothing
                add 1 to {_slot}
            format a gui slot 10 of player with {@AMOUNT_Grass} grass block named "&2Grass Block" with lore "&a$%{@AMOUNT_Grass}*{@SINGLE_Grass}%"
            format a gui slot 11 of player with {@AMOUNT_Dirt} dirt block named "&2Dirt" with lore "&a$%{@AMOUNT_Dirt}*{@SINGLE_Dirt}%"
            format a gui slot 40 of player with barrier named "&cBack" to run player command "/shop"
        if arg 1 is "redstone":
            open virtual chest with size 5 named "&2Redstone" to player
            set {_slot} to 0
            loop 45 times:
                format a gui slot {_slot} of player with dark gray stained glass pane named "&f" to do nothing
                format a gui slot 10 of player with {@AMOUNT_Redstone} redstone item named "&2Redstone" with lore "&a$%{@AMOUNT_Redstone}*{@SINGLE_Redstone}%"
                format a gui slot 40 of player with barrier named "&cBack" to run player command "/shop"
                add 1 to {_slot}
        if arg 1 is not set:
            open chest with 1 row named "&2Shop" to player
            format a gui slot 0 of player with grass block named "&2Blocks" to run player command "/shop blocks"
            format a gui slot 1 of player with redstone item named "&2Redstone" to run player command "/shop redstone"

on inventory click:
    setShop(10, player, 8, grass block, {@BUY_Redstone}, blocks)

on inventory click:
    set {_click} to clicked slot
    set {_click2} to clicked item
    broadcast "%{_click}%"
    broadcast "%{_click2}%"

Errors on reload:

Addons using (including versions): Skellet , SkExtras's, SkQuery, skRayFall, Skript, TuSKe


Have you tried searching the docs? Yes
Have you tried searching the forums? Yes
What other methods have you tried to fix it? i searched the errors up and nothing came up
u write function but using event-slot, really ?
[doublepost=1579962937,1579962520][/doublepost]delete line 12 and change the event like this

on inventory click:
    if inventory name of player's current inventory is "name":
        if event-slot is 10:
            "your function"

wait, i dont think u need a function, u can just do it in the event
I changed it to this, but it still doesnt work.

    AMOUNT_Grass: 8
    SINGLE_Grass: 5
    AMOUNT_Dirt: 8
    SINGLE_Dirt: 3
    AMOUNT_Redstone: 8
    SINGLE_Redstone: 10
    BUY_Redstone: %{@AMOUNT_Redstone}*{@SINGLE_Redstone}%

function setShop(player: player, amount: integer, item: item, buy: number):
    if {_player}'s balance is more than {_buy}:
        if {_player} can hold {_amount} {_item}:
            remove {_buy} from {_player}'s balance
            give {_player} {_amount} {_item}
            send "&cYou do not have enough inventory space."
            play sound "ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO" at {_player}
        send "&cYou do not have the suffcient funds."
        play sound "ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO" at {_player}

command /shop [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is "blocks":
            open virtual chest with size 5 named "&2Blocks" to player
            set {_slot} to 0
            loop 45 times:
                format a gui slot {_slot} of player with dark gray stained glass pane named "&f" to do nothing
                add 1 to {_slot}
            format a gui slot 10 of player with {@AMOUNT_Grass} grass block named "&2Grass Block" with lore "&a$%{@AMOUNT_Grass}*{@SINGLE_Grass}%"
            format a gui slot 11 of player with {@AMOUNT_Dirt} dirt block named "&2Dirt" with lore "&a$%{@AMOUNT_Dirt}*{@SINGLE_Dirt}%"
            format a gui slot 40 of player with barrier named "&cBack" to run player command "/shop"
        if arg 1 is "redstone":
            open virtual chest with size 5 named "&2Redstone" to player
            set {_slot} to 0
            loop 45 times:
                format a gui slot {_slot} of player with dark gray stained glass pane named "&f" to do nothing
                format a gui slot 10 of player with {@AMOUNT_Redstone} redstone item named "&2Redstone" with lore "&a$%{@AMOUNT_Redstone}*{@SINGLE_Redstone}%"
                format a gui slot 40 of player with barrier named "&cBack" to run player command "/shop"
                add 1 to {_slot}
        if arg 1 is not set:
            open chest with 1 row named "&2Shop" to player
            format a gui slot 0 of player with grass block named "&2Blocks" to run player command "/shop blocks"
            format a gui slot 1 of player with redstone item named "&2Redstone" to run player command "/shop redstone"

on inventory click:
    if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&2blocks":
        if event-slot is 10:
            setShop(player, 8, grass block, {@BUY_Redstone})
on inventory click:
    set {_click} to clicked slot
    set {_click2} to clicked item
    broadcast "%{_click}%"
    broadcast "%{_click2}%"

1. is there syntax called "can hold" ?
2. change all player with {_player} and change send to send " " to {_player}
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