Hello good people of skunity, So I've been making a server for a while now and I got halted by a issue I came up with my killtop skript.
I wanna parse the uuid into a playername but I've tried for so long, different methods and stuff, and nothing works. Could anyone pottentially have any ideas?
# Kill Top Update, No lag my server!
every 30 seconds:
set {topkillers::*} to sorted {kills::*} from highest to lowest with format "&e%@index parsed as offline player%: &b@value kills"
# Kill Top Command, Made it update every 30 seconds so people won't lag the server out
command /killtop:
aliases: /kt
send "&7&m {@p}&7&m " to player
send "&b&lKILLS LEADERBOARD!" to player
send "&7&m" to player
loop {topkillers::*}:
add 1 to {_result}
add 1 to {_number}
set {_player} to loop-value parsed as player
send "&3%{_number}% &7- %{topkillers::*}%" to player
if {_result} is 10:
send "&7&m {@p}&7&m " to player
I wanna parse the uuid into a playername but I've tried for so long, different methods and stuff, and nothing works. Could anyone pottentially have any ideas?