Solved Formatting gui issue

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Active Member
Jun 2, 2017
Soo i have a prob with the Gui, bdw dont blame me beacuse i use format, it always works 4 me.

function Looting(P: player):
    open chest with 3 rows named "&lCrate" to {_P}
        set {_Amount.%{_P}%} to random integer between 1 and 35
        format slot {Slots.%{_P}%} of {_P} with {_Amount.%{_P}%} gray dye named "&eRifle Ammo" to be unstealable
        add 1 to {Slots.%{_P}%}

Can't undertand this condition/effect: format slot {Slots.%{_P}%} of {_P} with {_Amount.%{_P}%} gray dye named "&aRifle Ammo" to be unstealable

I know the issue is comming from {_Amount.%{_P}%} but i dont know a diffren way to make random items in the same slot
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First of all, don't use skQuery's format slot, just don't, it has several bugs and isn't recommended. You can use TuSKe's GUI Manager (which is very similar) or set slot with the inventory click event, either way is better. Other thing, you don't have to suffix local variables with the player's name, it's just useless because these are deleted when the trigger is done.

Anyways, the issue is that you've missed an "of" between the amount and the item type.
First of all, don't use skQuery's format slot, just don't, it has several bugs and isn't recommended. You can use TuSKe's GUI Manager (which is very similar) or set slot with the inventory click event, either way is better. Other thing, you don't have to suffix local variables with the player's name, it's just useless because these are deleted when the trigger is done.

Anyways, the issue is that you've missed an "of" between the amount and the item type.
wow cant believe i missed that, i made a lot of guis before but i never used it with a random amount but thanks for helping
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