Solved Flame bow chances

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Jul 4, 2017
Category: Fun

Suggested name:

What I want:
I want a skript that can make some specific player have a 25% chance to shoot a flaming arrow with any bow even his bow doesn't have the flame enchantment

iCritiqing have a bow that doesn't have any enchants
he shoots an arrow with that bow and it doesn't burn(no flame)
he shoots it again, and again and again
but this time when he shoots his bow, magicly the arrow have flames on it
he shoots again and it doesn't have flames
and repeat :emoji_slight_smile:

(Also i want it to be per-player, maybe use {flamearrow.%player%})

Ideas for commands:
/flame [player] > to turn on(not toggle) whether if the player should have the magic flame thinggy or not

Ideas for permissions: flame.admin

When I'd like it by: A reasonable time, but not too long xD

Thanks :emoji_grinning:
This is really easy to do, you should learn and try to make it yourself