Category: Gamemode
Suggested name: Flags
Spigot/Skript Version: Latest (1.21)
What I want:
Ideas for commands:
I'd say it'd only need to be /flag admin - this would allow you to change around the setting / clear everyone and stuff like that
Ideas for permissions:
When I'd like it by: A reasonable time (i'll pay)
Suggested name: Flags
Spigot/Skript Version: Latest (1.21)
What I want:
- Flag Placement:
- The flag must be placed on a valid surface (e.g., grass or stone).
- The flag generates coins over time until destroyed or picked up. - if destroyed however you lose 75% of your coins, + whoever broke it gains 25% of the original value
- Abilities:
- Each tool can have a unique ability tied to it via the AbilityGenerator.
- Abilities are assigned custom NBT data with names like Speed Boost [II] or Fire Strike [IV].
- Progression:
- Coins can be spent on upgrades, such as better weapons or faster coin generation.
This means that i'd like it to be Flag [ I ], Flag [ II ], Flag [ III ], Flag [ IV ] and Flag [ V ] all would have a different amount of coins that'd be generated every 3 seconds and 3 upgrades to the weapon so it'd be wooden sword > wooden sword sharp 1 > stone sword all T1's, then T2 would be something like Stone Sword, Stone Sword sharp 1, iron sword so on and so forth, i'd like this to be interchangable in the Admin GUI however.
- Coins can be spent on upgrades, such as better weapons or faster coin generation.
Ideas for commands:
I'd say it'd only need to be /flag admin - this would allow you to change around the setting / clear everyone and stuff like that
Ideas for permissions:
on load:
delete {abilities::*}
# Abilities
AbilityHandler(potion of healing, "Health Potion") #1
local function AbilityHandler(block: item, name: string):
set {_nbt} to custom nbt of {_block}
set {_size} to size of {abilities::*}+1
set (int tag "Abilities;Tier" of custom nbt of {_nbt}) to {_size}
set {_lore::*} to ("")
set {abilities::%{_size}%} to {_block} named "&e%{_name}%" with lore {_lore::*}
When I'd like it by: A reasonable time (i'll pay)