FakePlayers skript

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Apr 10, 2017
Suggested name:
Spigot/Skript Version:
Spigot 1.13.2
What I want:
I'd like a plugin which allows you to add fake players into the tab list of online players and also the /list command. If you would be able to show the players as if they were online on the minecraft server menu list too then this would be great.
This plugin would be similar to the [URL]https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/fakeplayers-1-8.28227/[/URL] plugin, though with less features. The plugin listed above is also abandoned and causes errors on all versions.

Ideas for commands:
  • /fakeplayers - Display help page
  • /fakeplayers toggle - Enable/Disable FakePlayers
  • /fakeplayers max-players <amount> - Set the max-players of your server
  • /fakeplayers fake-players <amount> - Set the fake-players of your server
  • /fakeplayers random toggle - Enable/Disable random fake-players
  • /fakeplayers random-min - Set minimum of the random fake-players
  • /fakeplayers random-max - Set the maximum of the random fake-players

Ideas for permissions:
fakeplayers.admin - Allows to use all commands of the FakePlayers

When I'd like it by: A reasonable time