Solved Facsk not working

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New Member
Jan 10, 2020
I am trying to recreate the FactionChat plugin for 1.14 using Skript and Facsk, but when ever I run the command, even if I am in a faction, it says I am not in any faction. I most likely have the wrong method of getting the player's faction.

Here is the part of it that get's their faction and checks if they are in one (I know, I will make it not detect Wilderness, SafeZone, and WarZone factions once I figure out how to get the faction name.)

command /fc [<text>]:
        set {%player%.player} to faction player from player
        set {%player%.faction} to "<none>"
        set {%player%.faction} to faction name of faction player {}
        if {%player%.faction} is "<none>":
            send "&cYou are not a member of any faction" to player
            set {%player%.fcmode} to "public"
I just realized my mistake. I used the wrong variable. I did {} instead of {%player%.player}. Also, how do I do the user id thing @TheCringleYT? Is it just %user id% (or user id when not not doing it when executing a cmd/in a var)?
I just realized my mistake. I used the wrong variable. I did {} instead of {%player%.player}. Also, how do I do the user id thing @TheCringleYT? Is it just %user id% (or user id when not not doing it when executing a cmd/in a var)?
You can do the user id thing with this syntax:
%player's uuid%
# you can use this too:
%uuid of player%
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