Expensive Death

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Jul 4, 2024
Hi does anyone have a skript on when the player dies, they lose money but the attacker doesn't get any of that money? I'm trying to make it so that gamerule keepinventory is true but in exchange for death is 20% of their balance.
on death of a player:
    set {_bal} to victim's balance * 0.2
    remove {_bal} from the victim's balance
    if attacker is a player:
        send "&7You've lost %{_bal}% from %attacker's name%"
    send "&7You've lost %{_bal}%"
on death of a player:
    set {_bal} to victim's balance * 0.2
    remove {_bal} from the victim's balance
    if attacker is a player:
        send "&7You've lost %{_bal}% from %attacker's name%"
    send "&7You've lost %{_bal}%"
Thank you for the response, however I encountered some errors

[15:55:09 INFO]: [Skript] Reloading all scripts...
[15:55:09 INFO]: Line 3: (deathmoney.sk)
[15:55:09 INFO]: Can't understand this expression: 'victim's balance * 0.2'
[15:55:09 INFO]: Line: set {_bal} to victim's balance * 0.2
[15:55:09 INFO]:
[15:55:09 INFO]: Line 9: (deathmoney.sk)
[15:55:09 INFO]: Use 'attacker' and/or 'victim' in damage/death events
[15:55:09 INFO]: Line: send "&7You've lost %{_bal}% from %attacker's name%"
[15:55:09 INFO]:
[15:55:09 INFO]: Line 13: (deathmoney.sk)
[15:55:09 INFO]: Use 'attacker' and/or 'victim' in damage/death events
[15:55:09 INFO]: Line: send "&7You've lost %{_bal}%"
[15:55:09 INFO]:
[15:55:09 INFO]: [Skript] Encountered 3 errors while reloading all scripts! (19ms)

Sorry I'm very new to script
in line 3 try to replacing 'victim's balance' with some variable of the balance

in line 9 just add 'to victim' to the end

and do the same in line 13

im not the best at skript either but i think this should fix a few errors
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