Execute when holding item with name

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if you want the fireball to be spawned about the time they swap to the wand
on swap hand item:
    wait 1 second
    if player's tool is stick named "Wand":
        spawn fireball
        push last spawned fireball in direction of player at speed 1
if you want the fireball to be spawned when player right clicks holding wand
on right click:
    if player's tool is stick named "Wand":
        spawn fireball
        push last spawned fireball in direction of player at speed 1

On right click with stick:
 if name of tool of player is "Wand":
  spawn fireball at location of player
I will try that, thanks!

Edit: It did work, thank you guys so much!
[doublepost=1580309981,1580308268][/doublepost]I do have one extra question though, can you put a cooldown on someting like this? If so, how would you do it then?
You can use this expression:
(wait|halt) [for] %timespan%

Here is it in action with 5s cooldown
on right click:
    if player's tool is stick named "Wand":
        spawn fireball
        push last spawned fireball in direction of player at speed 1
        wait 5 seconds
Thank you for the suggestion but I tried it and it doesn't seem to work...
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You can try this
command youwontfindthiscmdname:
    cooldown: .05 minutes
    cooldown message: &cWait until you can use this ability again!
        spawn fireball
        push last spawned fireball in direction of player at speed 1.5
on right click:
    if player's tool is stick named "Wand":
        make player execute command "youwontfindthiscmdname"
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