hello everyone!
Please help me to find a workaround to solve my problem.
If you use "50, 80 and 120" instead of a variable, everything works.
i need to use rgb variable in particle drawing but ran into this problem:
Line 10: (test.sk)
Functions cannot be used here (or there is a problem with your arguments).
Line: draw 1 of dust_color_transition using dustTransition(rgb({rgb::%player%}), white, 0.8) at {_loc} with force
Please help me to find a workaround to solve my problem.
If you use "50, 80 and 120" instead of a variable, everything works.
i need to use rgb variable in particle drawing but ran into this problem:
command /test72 [<text>]:
if arg 1 is "attackbullet":
set {_ell} to location 1.3 blocks above location of player
set {_ell2} to location 0.7 blocks above location of target mob
set {_v} to vector from {_ell} to {_ell2}
set vector length of {_v} to 0.1
set {_loc} to location of {_ell}
loop (distance between {_loc} and target entities) / 0.1 times:
draw 1 of dust_color_transition using dustTransition(rgb({rgb::%player%}), white, 0.8) at {_loc} with force
set {_loc} to {_loc} ~ {_v}
set {_damage} to random integer between 2 and 4
damage target entity by {_damage}
on join:
set {name::%player%::MD5} to name of player hashed with MD5
set {name::%player%::color} to "##%first 6 characters of {name::%player%::MD5}%"
set {_hex} to {name::%player%::color}
replace all "##" with "" in {_hex}
set {_s::*} to split "0123456789abcdefklmnor" at ""
loop 3 times:
set {_n} to subtext of {_hex} from characters (loop-value -1)*2+1 to loop-value*2 in lower case
add (index of first element out of (split {_n} at "") in "0123456789abcdefklmnor" -1)* 16 to {_rgb::%loop-value-1%}
add index of 2nd element out of (split {_n} at "") in "0123456789abcdefklmnor"-1 to {_rgb::%loop-value-1%}
set {rgb::%player%} to "%{_rgb::*}%"
Line 10: (test.sk)
Functions cannot be used here (or there is a problem with your arguments).
Line: draw 1 of dust_color_transition using dustTransition(rgb({rgb::%player%}), white, 0.8) at {_loc} with force