Category: misc
Suggested name: EpDamage
What I want:
I want a skript that can disable/reduce player's enderpearl damage...
and the reduced damage is corresponding to the given ammoun
An admin type /ep 50 iCritiqing
then the player iCritiqing will only take 50% of the full enderpearl damage
An admin type /ep 100 iCritiqing
the player iCritiqing won't take any damage from enderpearls
Ideas for commands:
/ep 25 [Name]
/ep 50 [Name]
/ep 75 [Name]
/ep 100 [Name]
Ideas for permissions:
ep.admin > To type the /ep command
When I'd like it by: A reasonable time
Suggested name: EpDamage
What I want:
I want a skript that can disable/reduce player's enderpearl damage...
and the reduced damage is corresponding to the given ammoun
An admin type /ep 50 iCritiqing
then the player iCritiqing will only take 50% of the full enderpearl damage
An admin type /ep 100 iCritiqing
the player iCritiqing won't take any damage from enderpearls
Ideas for commands:
/ep 25 [Name]
/ep 50 [Name]
/ep 75 [Name]
/ep 100 [Name]
Ideas for permissions:
ep.admin > To type the /ep command
When I'd like it by: A reasonable time