Solved Enderpearl damage

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Jul 4, 2017
Category: misc

Suggested name: EpDamage

What I want:
I want a skript that can disable/reduce player's enderpearl damage...
and the reduced damage is corresponding to the given ammoun

An admin type /ep 50 iCritiqing
then the player iCritiqing will only take 50% of the full enderpearl damage

An admin type /ep 100 iCritiqing
the player iCritiqing won't take any damage from enderpearls

Ideas for commands:
/ep 25 [Name]
/ep 50 [Name]
/ep 75 [Name]
/ep 100 [Name]

Ideas for permissions:
ep.admin > To type the /ep command

When I'd like it by: A reasonable time
Category: misc

Suggested name: EpDamage

What I want:
I want a skript that can disable/reduce player's enderpearl damage...
and the reduced damage is corresponding to the given ammoun

An admin type /ep 50 iCritiqing
then the player iCritiqing will only take 50% of the full enderpearl damage

An admin type /ep 100 iCritiqing
the player iCritiqing won't take any damage from enderpearls

Ideas for commands:
/ep 25 [Name]
/ep 50 [Name]
/ep 75 [Name]
/ep 100 [Name]

Ideas for permissions:
ep.admin > To type the /ep command

When I'd like it by: A reasonable time

a bit late but it works (for me).

command /ep <integer=0> <player>:
        if arg 1 >= 0:
            if arg 1 <= 100:
                set {ep.reduction::%uuid of arg 2%} to arg 1
on damage:
    if damage cause is fall:
        cancel event
        wait 1 tick
        if {enderpearl::%uuid of victim%} is set:
            set {_calc} to {ep.reduction::%uuid of victim%}
            if {ep.reduction::%uuid of victim%} is not set:
                set {_calc} to 0
            set {_dam} to damage / 100
            set {_dam} to {_dam} * {_calc}
            set {_dam} to damage - {_dam}
            damage victim by {_dam}
            damage victim by damage

on script load:
    delete {enderpearl::*}

on projectile hit:
    if event-entity is a ender pearl:   
        set {enderpearl::%uuid of shooter%} to true
        wait 1 tick
        delete {enderpearl::%uuid of shooter%}
a bit late but it works (for me).

command /ep <integer=0> <player>:
        if arg 1 >= 0:
            if arg 1 <= 100:
                set {ep.reduction::%uuid of arg 2%} to arg 1
on damage:
    if damage cause is fall:
        cancel event
        wait 1 tick
        if {enderpearl::%uuid of victim%} is set:
            set {_calc} to {ep.reduction::%uuid of victim%}
            if {ep.reduction::%uuid of victim%} is not set:
                set {_calc} to 0
            set {_dam} to damage / 100
            set {_dam} to {_dam} * {_calc}
            set {_dam} to damage - {_dam}
            damage victim by {_dam}
            damage victim by damage

on script load:
    delete {enderpearl::*}

on projectile hit:
    if event-entity is a ender pearl: 
        set {enderpearl::%uuid of shooter%} to true
        wait 1 tick
        delete {enderpearl::%uuid of shooter%}
Thanks Bro :emoji_grinning:
It works nicely
but i improoved it a bit tho, and by the way you forgot the permissions thinggy :emoji_grinning:

Here's my edit
    Prefix: &c&lSoul&fStars &7&l>>
    Maincolor: &6
    Secondcolor: &7
    Red: &c

command /ep <integer=0> <player>:
    permission: ep.admin
        if arg 2 is not set:
            message "{@Prefix} {@Maincolor}Usage /ep <integer> <name>"
            if arg 1 >= 0:
                if arg 1 <= 100:
                    set {ep.reduction::%uuid of arg 2%} to arg 1
                    message "{@Prefix} {@Secondcolor}%arg 2%'s {@Maincolor}enderpearl damage has been reduced by {@Red}%arg 1% {@Maincolor}percent"
                    message "{@Prefix} {@Maincolor}Your enderpearl damage has been reduced by {@Red}%arg 1% {@Maincolor}percent" to arg 2
                if arg 1 > 100:
                    message "{@Prefix} {@Red}ERROR! Enderpearl damage reduction values must be bigger than -1 and smaller than 101!"
on damage:
    if damage cause is fall:
        cancel event
        wait 0.005 tick
        if {enderpearl::%uuid of victim%} is set:
            set {_calc} to {ep.reduction::%uuid of victim%}
            if {ep.reduction::%uuid of victim%} is not set:
                set {_calc} to 0
            set {_dam} to damage / 100
            set {_dam} to {_dam} * {_calc}
            set {_dam} to damage - {_dam}
            damage victim by {_dam}
            damage victim by damage

on script load:
    delete {enderpearl::*}
on projectile hit:
    if event-entity is a ender pearl:
        set {enderpearl::%uuid of shooter%} to true  
        wait 0.005 tick
        delete {enderpearl::%uuid of shooter%}
#Originaly created by: Lego_freak1999
#Edited by: iCritiqing
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