Effect while holding item

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Dec 30, 2020
I was making an item that gives a speed effect while holding it.
every 3 seconds:
    if the player is holding iron sword named "&eSpeedster Sword":
        apply speed 2 to player for 9999 days
        wait 1 tick
        remove speed from player
Console says: There's no world in a periodic event if no world is given in the event (e.g. like 'every hour in "world"') (item.sk, line 2: if the player is holding iron sword named "&eSpeedster Sword":')

I don't really see any problems with it :emoji_frowning:
It doesn't work. It just gives speed II for 1 tick and the loop doesn't work.
I was making an item that gives a speed effect while holding it.
every 3 seconds:
    if the player is holding iron sword named "&eSpeedster Sword":
        apply speed 2 to player for 9999 days
        wait 1 tick
        remove speed from player
Console says: There's no world in a periodic event if no world is given in the event (e.g. like 'every hour in "world"') (item.sk, line 2: if the player is holding iron sword named "&eSpeedster Sword":')

I don't really see any problems with it :emoji_frowning:

this command gives you an unbreakable iron sword and when you hold it your speed is set to 1.2 if it was normally 1

/give @s minecraft:iron_sword{Unbreakable:1,AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.movement_speed",Name:"generic.movement_speed",Amount:0.2,Operation:1,UUID:[I;1045876203,1066204591,1045905617,1579378094]}]} 1

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It doesn't work. It just gives speed II for 1 tick and the loop doesn't work.
This works for me:
every 3 real seconds:
    loop all players:
        if loop-player is holding a iron sword named "&eSpeedster Sword":
            apply speed 2 to loop-player for 9999 seconds
            wait 1 tick
            remove speed from loop-player
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