Solved Effect on Hit

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Jul 3, 2019
Hello, so I would like to make a skript that gives an effect when hit by a certain item


A stone sword called "Wither Sword" that gives wither for 2 seconds every time you get hit by it

I have no clue how to do this, so it would be appreciated if you could help me.
[doublepost=1563724230,1563723873][/doublepost]Another example would be an arrow that causes a special series of events to happen to the target

thanks in advance
Use this:
on damage:
    if name of projectile is "Wither Sword":
        apply wither to victim for 2 seconds

Line 3 (victim)
Use this:
on damage:
    if name of projectile is "Wither Sword":
        apply wither to victim for 2 seconds

Line 3 (victim)
A sword isn't a projectile, a projectile = an egg, arrow or snowball
[doublepost=1563740121,1563740040][/doublepost]You would do something like this
on damage of a player:
    if attacker is a player:
        if attacker's tool is a stone sword:
            if name of attacker's tool is "Wither Sword":
                apply wither to victim for 2 seconds
Ye sorry, I switched the two examples

A sword isn't a projectile, a projectile = an egg, arrow or snowball
[doublepost=1563740121,1563740040][/doublepost]You would do something like this
on damage of a player:
    if attacker is a player:
        if attacker's tool is a stone sword:
            if name of attacker's tool is "Wither Sword":
                apply wither to victim for 2 seconds
  • on damage of a player:
  • if attacker is a player:
  • if attacker's tool is a stone sword:
  • if name of attacker's tool is "Wither Sword":
  • apply wither to victim for 2 seconds
Thanks for the help, it worked great!

Use this:
on damage:
    if name of projectile is "Wither Sword":
        apply wither to victim for 2 seconds

Line 3 (victim)
Would that mean if i named an arrow "Weakness Arrow", i would be able to set it so it applies weakness and slowness by naming the arrow and not the bow?
Yes, because if you named the bow it only gives slowness if you left-click someone with it.

"ChocoAura, post: 41782, member: 8243"

Would that mean if i named an arrow "Weakness Arrow", i would be able to set it so it applies weakness and slowness by naming the arrow and not the bow?
on damage:
    if name of projectile is "Slowness Arrow":
        apply slowness to victim for 2 seconds

Yes, because if you named the bow it only gives slowness if you left-click someone with it.
Yes, because if you named the bow it only gives slowness if you left-click someone with it.

on damage:
    if name of projectile is "Slowness Arrow":
        apply slowness to victim for 2 seconds
It didn't seem to work, however what i did was:

on damage of a player:
    if attacker is a player:
        if attacker's tool is a bow:
            if name of attacker's tool is "&fWeakness Bow":
                apply slowness to victim for 10 seconds
                apply weakness to victim for 10 seconds
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