Solved Dropping skull

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Jan 13, 2019
I am trying to make it so when you kill the cow it clears its drops and drops a skull named Cow head. I have the clear drops part working but it never drops a skull.

on death:
    if victim is a cow:
        set {head::cow} to a skeleton skull named "&4Cow Head" with lore "Sell me!"
        clear drops
        drop {head::cow} at event-location
first of all, theres no reason to set the item as a variable, and then drop the variable, just drop the item

second, you can drop a cow head (makes it nicer) and third, you need to drop it at the location of the victim
on death:
    if victim is a cow:
        clear drops
        drop 1 of skull of "MHF_Cow" parsed as offline player named "&4Cow Head" with lore "Sell me!" at location of victim
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first of all, theres no reason to set the item as a variable, and then drop the variable, just drop the item

second, you can drop a cow head (makes it nicer) and third, you need to drop it at the location of the victim
on death:
    if victim is a cow:
        clear drops
        drop 1 of skull of "MHF_Cow" parsed as offline player named "&4Cow Head" with lore "Sell me!" at location of victim

Thank you! Also that still drops a skeleton head just letting you know
Thank you! Also that still drops a skeleton head just letting you know
I tested this one 1.13.2 and it seems to work fine, drops a cow skull.

SOMETIMES the first time your server loads that SKIN, it might not load, therefor drops a skeleton skull or a player head, but after a few times it should work.

Which version of Skript and Spigot are you using?
I tested this one 1.13.2 and it seems to work fine, drops a cow skull.

SOMETIMES the first time your server loads that SKIN, it might not load, therefor drops a skeleton skull or a player head, but after a few times it should work.

Which version of Skript and Spigot are you using?

It was because i didn't have the most recent version of skript. Thank you!
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