Solved Download link 404

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I'll get onto it or get @Wrong to do it soon. It's 2am and I'm off to bed lol.
Thank you, really appreciate it! The version I can find online (2.1.2) doesn't work (using /skript just returns '/skript help' no matter what the arguments are)
Thank you @itismejoey maybe this should be linked on the main page? had no idea there'd be a download link on the wiki
Thank you, really appreciate it! The version I can find online (2.1.2) doesn't work (using /skript just returns '/skript help' no matter what the arguments are)
Skript doesn't know any versions above 2.1.2. The official version of Skript 2.2 was just a BETA and never put into release channels. Forks such as mine and Benskus aren't official or recognised by Njol/Skript.
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