Double xp

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Jun 19, 2019
I want to make it so when a player is holding an custom iteam and the player mines a block i want the xp to drop double!
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I want to make it so when a player is holding an custom iteam and the player mines a block i want the xp to drop double!
Use a break event, then check for the type and name of the players tool. If the conditions match, drop more XP
Well, the forums are well known for glitches :emoji_wink:

Use a break event, then check for the type and name of the players tool. If the conditions match, drop more XP
on mine of any ore:
    if lore of player's held item is "&e&lDouble Xp":
        message "You are a good boi!"
        wait 2 ticks

this is what i have so far its not much but i cant get the xp to drop more
on mine of any ore:
    if lore of player's held item is "&e&lDouble Xp":
        message "You are a good boi!"
        wait 2 ticks

this is what i have so far its not much but i cant get the xp to drop more
and if i want to use this how will i make it work
on block break xp drop:
                        if lore of player's held item is "&e&lDouble Xp":
                                                message "You are a good boi!"
                                                wait 2 ticks
                                                add 20 xp
on mine of any ore:
    if lore of player's held item is "&e&lDouble Xp":
        message "You are a good boi!"
        wait 2 ticks

this is what i have so far its not much but i cant get the xp to drop more
and if i want to use this how will i make it work
on block break xp drop:
                        if lore of player's held item is "&e&lDouble Xp":
                                                message "You are a good boi!"
                                                wait 2 ticks
                                                add 20 xp
I would try something like `spawn 1 experience orb at %location%`
I would try something like `spawn 1 experience orb at %location%`
i tried this but it didn't work so I changed it a bit.... but it is only doing the effects the orbs don't count as xp
on block break xp drop:
                        if lore of player's held item is "&e&lDouble Xp":
                                                message "You are a good boi!"
                                                wait 2 ticks
                                                #spawn 100 experience orb at %location%
                                                spawn 500 xp orbs at the targeted block
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