Discord Music Bot [SKRIPT]

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New Member
Sep 11, 2019
music bot for your discord group

Warning: this code is tested in server with version 1.12.2, i am not sure if this will work in other version

.play [song name]
.stop [stop song music bot is playing]
.info [info about song currently playing]
.skip [skip curret song]
.list [list of all song in queue]
.pause [pause the song]
.resume [resume song]

    botname: your-bot-name-here
    Token: your-bot-token-here

on skript load:
    login to "{@Token}" with the name "{@botname}"

You need this plugins to work:
Skript version 2.3.7 Link Here

Vixio 2.0.1 Link here
This code is tested with this plugins

    • Do not claim this script as your own
    • Do not edit the code
    • Do not sell this skript as your own
    • Do not use review section to express your rude opinion about the script and its code