Discord bot shop | Cheap and Fast !

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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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Active Member
Apr 6, 2018
Raikas's discord bot shop

Custom prefix!
When subscribe remember to send the profile picture to bot and bot's name


Coal package (!help, !ip, !play, !mute, !warn, !ban, !kick, !skip, !stop and 2 custom server commands/messages [e.g when player kills other sends "<killer> killed <victim>" or when type command "!stats" bot sends player's kills or level etc]) : Free

Iron package (same at coal package + !coins, !serverstats + 3 more custom server messages + Messages to embeds): 1 $

Diamond package (same at iron package + unlimited discord bot commands (not server commands) + unlimited custom server commands and if you want a cool profile picture to bot (2D 1$, 3D 2$) ) : 8$

Coal Package bot is ready in few days
Iron Package bot is ready in about 5 days
Diamond Package bot is ready 5 days - 3 weeks
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