Raikas's discord bot shop
Custom prefix!
When subscribe remember to send the profile picture to bot and bot's name
Coal package (!help, !ip, !play, !mute, !warn, !ban, !kick, !skip, !stop and 2 custom server commands/messages [e.g when player kills other sends "<killer> killed <victim>" or when type command "!stats" bot sends player's kills or level etc]) : Free
Iron package (same at coal package + !coins, !serverstats + 3 more custom server messages + Messages to embeds): 1 $
Diamond package (same at iron package + unlimited discord bot commands (not server commands) + unlimited custom server commands and if you want a cool profile picture to bot (2D 1$, 3D 2$) ) : 8$
Coal Package bot is ready in few days
Iron Package bot is ready in about 5 days
Diamond Package bot is ready 5 days - 3 weeks
Custom prefix!
When subscribe remember to send the profile picture to bot and bot's name
Coal package (!help, !ip, !play, !mute, !warn, !ban, !kick, !skip, !stop and 2 custom server commands/messages [e.g when player kills other sends "<killer> killed <victim>" or when type command "!stats" bot sends player's kills or level etc]) : Free
Iron package (same at coal package + !coins, !serverstats + 3 more custom server messages + Messages to embeds): 1 $
Diamond package (same at iron package + unlimited discord bot commands (not server commands) + unlimited custom server commands and if you want a cool profile picture to bot (2D 1$, 3D 2$) ) : 8$
Coal Package bot is ready in few days
Iron Package bot is ready in about 5 days
Diamond Package bot is ready 5 days - 3 weeks
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