Disable custom amor protection.

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Jan 29, 2017
    gorronox : iron helmet named "<yellow>Gorro anti nox"
    pecheranox : iron chestplate named "<yellow>Pechera anti nox"
    pantalonnox : iron leggings named "<yellow>Pantalones anti nox"
    botasnox : iron boots named "<yellow>Botas anti nox"

on damage:
    victim is wearing {@gorronox} or {@pecheranox} or {@pantalonnox} or {@botasnox}:
        set {_dmg} to damage
        set damage to 0
        subtract {_dmg} from victim's health
        send "Test to see if it works" to victim


I want the customized armor does not protect from damage. I created this code, but it does not work, the armor still offers protection and I do not get the message "Test to see if it works" when receiving damage.

What am I doing wrong?
Are you trying to remove the vanilla armor protection from armor? If so, you can change the armor protection value in the item.

You need SkStuff for this:

#Make sure to change the UUIDMOST and UUIDLEAST for every item you make!
 gorronox : iron helmet with nbt "{AttributeModifiers:[{Slot:""head"",AttributeName:""generic.armor"",Name:""armor"",Amount:0,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:0,UUIDMost:0}]}" named "&eGorro anti nox"
 pecheranox : iron chestplate with nbt "{AttributeModifiers:[{Slot:""chest"",AttributeName:""generic.armor"",Name:""armor"",Amount:0,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:1,UUIDMost:1}]}" named "&ePechera anti nox"
 pantalonnox : iron leggings with nbt "{AttributeModifiers:[{Slot:""legs"",AttributeName:""generic.armor"",Name:""armor"",Amount:0,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:2,UUIDMost:2}]}" named "&ePantalones anti nox"
 botasnox : iron boots with nbt "{AttributeModifiers:[{Slot:""feet"",AttributeName:""generic.armor"",Name:""armor"",Amount:0,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:3,UUIDMost:3}]}" named "&eBotas anti nox"
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Thank, but it gives the same result.

What is it? (UUIDLeast and UUIDMost)
its basically a unique ID for each item. If more than one item have the same ID then the item won't work (or at least I think that's how it works. I did testing and each item needed a unique ID...)
I tried with:

    craft = 58
    gorronox : iron helmet with nbt "{AttributeModifiers:[{Slot:""head"",AttributeName:""generic.armor"",Name:""armor"",Amount:0,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:0,UUIDMost:0}]}" named "&eGorro anti nox"
    pecheranox : iron chestplate with nbt "{AttributeModifiers:[{Slot:""chest"",AttributeName:""generic.armor"",Name:""armor"",Amount:0,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:1,UUIDMost:1}]}" named "&ePechera anti nox"
    pantalonnox : iron leggings with nbt "{AttributeModifiers:[{Slot:""legs"",AttributeName:""generic.armor"",Name:""armor"",Amount:0,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:2,UUIDMost:2}]}" named "&ePantalones anti nox"
    botasnox : iron boots with nbt "{AttributeModifiers:[{Slot:""feet"",AttributeName:""generic.armor"",Name:""armor"",Amount:0,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:3,UUIDMost:3}]}" named "&eBotas anti nox"

on inventory click:
    #message "%clicked slot%"
    if player's target block is craft:
        if clicked slot is 0:
            if event-item is iron helmet:
                if slot 8  of current inventory of player is blaze_rod:
                    add "{AttributeModifiers:[{Slot:""head"",AttributeName:""generic.armor"",Name:""armor"",Amount:0,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:0,UUIDMost:0}]}" to nbt of event-item
                    message "Work helmet"
            if event-item is iron chestplate:
                if slot 2 of current inventory of player is blaze_rod:
                    add "{AttributeModifiers:[{Slot:""head"",AttributeName:""generic.armor"",Name:""armor"",Amount:0,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:1,UUIDMost:1}]}" to nbt of event-item
                    message "Work chestplate"
            if event-item is iron leggings:
                if slot 5 and 5 of current inventory of player is blaze_rod:
                    add "{AttributeModifiers:[{Slot:""head"",AttributeName:""generic.armor"",Name:""armor"",Amount:0,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:2,UUIDMost:2}]}" to nbt of event-item
                    message "Work leggings"
            if event-item is iron boots:
                if slot 1 and 3 of current inventory of player is blaze_rod:
                    add "{AttributeModifiers:[{Slot:""head"",AttributeName:""generic.armor"",Name:""armor"",Amount:0,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:3,UUIDMost:3}]}" to nbt of event-item
                    message "Work boots"
                message "Don't work"

on damage:
    victim is wearing {@gorronox} or {@pecheranox} or {@pantalonnox} or {@botasnox}:
        set {_dmg} to damage
        set damage to 0
        subtract {_dmg} from victim's health
        send "Test to see if it works" to victim

every 5 seconds in world "dangoria":
    loop all players:
        loop-player is in world "dangoria":
            if loop-player has permission "skripts.inmune":
            if loop-player's gamemode is creative:
                loop {radiacion.habitable::*}:
                    distance between the loop-player and loop-value-2 is between 200 and 249:
                        if {radiacion.mensaje.aviso.cooldown::%loop-player%} isn't set:
                            send "{@auraalerta} <orange>El sistema alerta que esta cerca de una zona esta afectada por nox. <red>Equipate con un traje anti nox lo antes posible." to loop-player
                            set {radiacion.mensaje.aviso.cooldown::%loop-player%} to 2
                            subtract 1 from {radiacion.mensaje.aviso.cooldown::%loop-player%}
                            if {radiacion.mensaje.aviso.cooldown::%loop-player%} is 0:
                                delete {radiacion.mensaje.aviso.cooldown::%loop-player%}
                    distance between the loop-player and loop-value-2 is more than 250:
                        loop-player is wearing a iron helmet:
                            if name of helmet slot of loop-player is "<yellow>Gorro anti nox":
                                loop-player is wearing a iron chestplate:
                                    if name of chestplate slot of loop-player is "<yellow>Pechera anti nox":
                                        loop-player is wearing a iron leggings:
                                            if name of leggings slot of loop-player is "<yellow>Pantalones anti nox":
                                                loop-player is wearing a iron boots:
                                                    if name of boots slot of loop-player is "<yellow>Botas anti nox":
                                                        set {_loreh} to uncolored lore of loop-player's helmet parsed as number
                                                        subtract 5 from {_loreh}
                                                        set line 1 of the lore of loop-player's helmet to "%{_loreh}%"
                                                        set {_lorec} to uncolored lore of loop-player's chestplate parsed as number
                                                        subtract 5 from {_lorec}
                                                        set line 1 of the lore of loop-player's chestplate to "%{_lorec}%"
                                                        set {_lorel} to uncolored lore of loop-player's leggings parsed as number
                                                        subtract 5 from {_lorel}
                                                        set line 1 of the lore of loop-player's leggings to "%{_lorel}%"
                                                        set {_loreb} to uncolored lore of loop-player's boots parsed as number
                                                        subtract 5 from {_loreb}
                                                        set line 1 of the lore of loop-player's boots to "%{_loreb}%"
                                                        if {_loreh} is less than 0:
                                                            set loop-player's helmet to air
                                                            send "<light red>El gorro anti nox ha quedado inservible" to loop-player
                                                        if {_lorec} is less than 0:
                                                            set loop-player's chestplate to air
                                                            send "<light red>El abrigo anti nox ha quedado inservible" to loop-player
                                                        if {_lorel} is less than 0:
                                                            set loop-player's leggings to air
                                                            send "<light red>Las botas anti nox han quedado inservibles" to loop-player
                                                        if {_loreb} is less than 0:
                                                            set loop-player's boots to air
                                                            send "<light red>Las botas anti nox han quedado inservibles" to loop-player
                        {radiacion.mensaje.daño.cooldown::%loop-player%} isn't set:
                            send "{@auraalerta} <red>PELIGRO: <orange>Se detectan niveles dañinos de nox." to loop-player
                            set {radiacion.mensaje.daño.cooldown::%loop-player%} to 2
                            subtract 1 from {radiacion.mensaje.daño.cooldown::%loop-player%}
                            if {radiacion.mensaje.daño.cooldown::%loop-player%} is 0:
                                delete {radiacion.mensaje.daño.cooldown::%loop-player%}
                        damage the loop-player by 1.5
                        apply nausea to loop-player for 10 seconds
                        apply slowness to loop-player for 10 seconds

This is the recipe made with "RecipeManager"

// Gorro anti nox
air + air + air
iron_ingot + iron_ingot + iron_ingot
iron_ingot + blaze_rod + iron_ingot
= iron_helmet
@name <yellow>Gorro anti nox
@lore <gold>180

// Pechera anti nox
iron_ingot + blaze_rod + iron_ingot
iron_ingot + iron_ingot + iron_ingot
iron_ingot + iron_ingot + iron_ingot
= iron_chestplate
@name <yellow>Pechera anti nox
@lore <gold>180

// Pantalones anti nox
iron_ingot + iron_ingot + iron_ingot
iron_ingot + blaze_rod + iron_ingot
iron_ingot + blaze_rod + iron_ingot
= iron_leggings
@name <yellow>Pantalones anti nox
@lore <gold>180

// Botas anti nox
blaze_rod + air + blaze_rod
iron_ingot + air + iron_ingot
iron_ingot + air + iron_ingot
= iron_boots
@name <yellow>Botas anti nox
@lore <gold>180

But it does not work :emoji_frowning:
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Send us your errors, we will solve them asap

Found stupid thing in your skript that you don´t need. Just to tell you out, lul

every 5 seconds in world "dangoria":
    loop all players:
        loop-player is in world "dangoria":

2times same thing.

Then tell what part doesnt work...

I have created this image so that it is better understood:


Send us your errors, we will solve them asap

Found stupid thing in your skript that you don´t need. Just to tell you out, lul

every 5 seconds in world "dangoria":
    loop all players:
        loop-player is in world "dangoria":

2times same thing.


What a silly mistake :emoji_blush:, thanks for warning.
[doublepost=1522454189,1522332069][/doublepost]Any idea? :emoji_blush:

Do you have any idea?
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