Solved Diamond Balance

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Mar 12, 2024
Looking for someone to create me a Skript that will allow players to deposit + withdraw diamonds from their inventory to a virtual balance. As well as a leaderboard for the top 10 balances.

Edit 1:
Some how, I actually managed to do probably 90% of this myself(clip at the bottom), like I said, somehow. This is literally the most advanced thing i've created with Skript. However, the more I test with it, the more issues I find. The current issue I need to deal with is prevent players from withdrawing diamonds if their inventory cannot hold the amount they're withdrawing. I cannot figure out a way to do this.
I tried something like
set {_availableSpace} to amount of diamond that player's inventory can hold
, but Skript errors out and tells me "Can't understand this expression: 'amount of diamond that player's inventory can hold'". So if anyone can help me out on what the actual check for this is, i'd appreciate it.

Edit 2(Most Recent):

Alright, I figured it out!!!! Just need to remove the command and add it into the withdraw command.
command /testdiamonds [<player>] [<integer>]:
        set {_Player} to arg-1
        set {_diamondAmount} to arg-2
        if player has enough space for {_diamondAmount} of diamond:
            give {_Player} {_diamondAmount} of diamond
            message "&bDiamonds have been given!"
            message "&cYou do not have enough inventory space for &e%arg-2% Diamonds&c."

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