So this is probably a sad question, however I am new to skript and I can not find the answer anywhere anyways
so I open a GUI as follows
this works great and all however it means I can't differentiate the clicks. I would like to be able to add custom commands to each different click be it middle, shiftR, shiftL, Right, or left.
I have tried something like this
and I set the to close then run to just to close. However whenever I try to click on the item it just closes the inventory. Yet whenever I click anywhere else my little add-on code works just fine.
I'm not exactly sure what I may be doing wrong, I have latest skript, skquery, and Umbaska installed.
so I open a GUI as follows
command /punish <player>:
set {%player%.currentpunish} to arg 1
open chest with 6 rows named "&lPunish %arg 1%" to player
wait 1 tick
format slot 10 of player with cobweb named "&c&lTrolling" with lore "&6offenses: %{punishtroll.%arg 1%}%" to close then run "punishment %arg 1% troll %player%"
I have tried something like this
on inventory click:
if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&lPunish %{%player%.currentpunish}%":
cancel the event
if clicked type is middle mouse button:
message "middle"
message "unconfigured"
I'm not exactly sure what I may be doing wrong, I have latest skript, skquery, and Umbaska installed.