Addon [Deleted] SkBee

  • Thread starter Deleted member 5254
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Deleted member 5254

ShaneBee submitted a new resource:

SkBee - A simple solution to make your server more bold!

[fancy image coming soon]
SkBee is a new Skript addon which combines 3 of my other addons, Sk-NBeeT, SkBoard and SkRecipe.
The goal was to cut down on the need for the excessive amount of addons required by your server and your scripts.

This is only a small list of the many things included
- NBT elements such as get/set NBT of items, blocks (tile entities) and entities. (Available for 1.8.8+)

Read more about this resource...
Nice addon! But how can I store and later add the nbt of an item to an item?

First I store the item's nbt to a file or database, the string is then like this:


Later I add this string as nbt to my item like this:

add {_nbt} to nbt of {_item}

But then the colors are messed up. How to fix this?
Nice addon! But how can I store and later add the nbt of an item to an item?

First I store the item's nbt to a file or database, the string is then like this:


Later I add this string as nbt to my item like this:

add {_nbt} to nbt of {_item}

But then the colors are messed up. How to fix this?
Im not sure. Saying "colours are messed up" doesn't really tell me anything.
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ShaneBee updated SkBee with a new update entry:

Small Fixes [1.10.1]

SkBee 1.10.x will be the last version to support legacy console versions (ie: 1.8.x - 1.12.x)
Due to the many issues I have had to fix revolving around legacy servers, I find this too hard to continue offering legacy support.
Come 1.11 ... SkBee will strictly support MC 1.13+
That said, if you are using a legacy server version, please ensure to report any bugs you find ASAP so they can be fixed before I move onto SkBee 1.11...

Read the rest of this update entry...
ShaneBee updated SkBee with a new update entry:

Small Fixes [1.10.2]

SkBee 1.10.x will be the last version to support legacy console versions (ie: 1.8.x - 1.12.x)
Due to the many issues I have had to fix revolving around legacy servers, I find this too hard to continue offering legacy support.
Come 1.11 ... SkBee will strictly support MC 1.13+
That said, if you are using a legacy server version, please ensure to report any bugs you find ASAP so they can be fixed before I move onto...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hello, I know you said you wouldnt be working on this plugin anymore but... do you think possible check at least why NBT tags are causing load times to be so long on skript 2.6 beta 2 ? it's taking minutes to load. Please ?
ok skbee worked on 1.8.9 servers?
since there is no 1.8.9 server version, my guess would be no.
As for 1.8.8, please see the overview page of this plugin, scroll down to where it says requirements, and you will see there which version to use for legacy server versions, as SkBee now only supports 1.14+
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