Hey can you help me with something?
command /upefficiency:
execute console command "/balance %player%"
set {_bal1} to last ran code or whatever the result of the above cmd is (IDK HOW TO DO IT)
if player's tool is not a pickaxe:
send "&4Please hold a Pickaxe"
if player's tool is a pickaxe:
send "&aYour Balance is %{_bal1}%"
if {_bal1} is greater than 100:
if tool of the player is not enchanted:
enchant the player's tool with efficiency 1
I just need help with the part in bold to check if player has enough currency!
command /upefficiency:
execute console command "/balance %player%"
set {_bal1} to last ran code or whatever the result of the above cmd is (IDK HOW TO DO IT)
if player's tool is not a pickaxe:
send "&4Please hold a Pickaxe"
if player's tool is a pickaxe:
send "&aYour Balance is %{_bal1}%"
if {_bal1} is greater than 100:
if tool of the player is not enchanted:
enchant the player's tool with efficiency 1
I just need help with the part in bold to check if player has enough currency!