defining variables as the result of cmds (NEED HELP PLEASE HELP)

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Jul 22, 2023
Hey can you help me with something?

command /upefficiency:
execute console command "/balance %player%"
set {_bal1} to last ran code or whatever the result of the above cmd is (IDK HOW TO DO IT)
if player's tool is not a pickaxe:
send "&4Please hold a Pickaxe"
if player's tool is a pickaxe:
send "&aYour Balance is %{_bal1}%"
if {_bal1} is greater than 100:
if tool of the player is not enchanted:
enchant the player's tool with efficiency 1
I just need help with the part in bold to check if player has enough currency!
Your issue is that you're using local variables instead of a list variable. Whenever you wanna store a stat like money/coins/etc in a variable in skript, you always want to store it in any variable that isn't local.

# Example of a local variable
command /test:
        set {_examp} to 2
        send "%{_examp}% is a local variable that will not save outside this command!" to player

To use a list variable, simply attach two colons at the end of it and make sure not to use any underscores. For example:
command /test:
    if {examp::%player%} is not set: # This is an example of a variable that'll save!
        send "Your Examp stat was not set and thus was changed to 0!" to player
        set {examp::%player%} to 0

command /buysword: # Example of a basic shop system (Can be made more efficient with functions when using many shop items)
        if {examp::%player%} >= 1000: # If player has a score of 1k attached to their examp variable.
            remove 1000 from {examp::%player%} # Always put this first in case of delays like on line 11
            send "You successfully just bought x1 sword!" to player
            wait 2 ticks
            send "Remaining Balance: %{examp::%player%}%" to player
well, if you are using Essentials and Vault, Ersatz has a line of code that can help.
set {_bal1} to placeholder "%%vault_eco_balance%%"
^ Assuming u want {_bal1} to be the balance of player
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Your issue is that you're using local variables instead of a list variable. Whenever you wanna store a stat like money/coins/etc in a variable in skript, you always want to store it in any variable that isn't local.

# Example of a local variable
command /test:
        set {_examp} to 2
        send "%{_examp}% is a local variable that will not save outside this command!" to player

To use a list variable, simply attach two colons at the end of it and make sure not to use any underscores. For example:
command /test:
    if {examp::%player%} is not set: # This is an example of a variable that'll save!
        send "Your Examp stat was not set and thus was changed to 0!" to player
        set {examp::%player%} to 0

command /buysword: # Example of a basic shop system (Can be made more efficient with functions when using many shop items)
        if {examp::%player%} >= 1000: # If player has a score of 1k attached to their examp variable.
            remove 1000 from {examp::%player%} # Always put this first in case of delays like on line 11
            send "You successfully just bought x1 sword!" to player
            wait 2 ticks
            send "Remaining Balance: %{examp::%player%}%" to player
He's having an issue with getting the player's essentialsX (Vault) balance, not a Skript custom currency.