Data Storage

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Apr 11, 2020
So I'm starting to get familiar with skript but im having troubles understanding how to store data
Basically, what this code does is it gives a player a crystal for each kill, however im trying to get it where it wont give the crystal if that player has killed that same player in the last 5 minutes
Anyone have an idea of how I could go about this?
on death of a player:
    if attacker is a player:
        if "%region at player%" contains "pvp":
            if ip of attacker contains ip of victim:
                send "{@p} &7Killing someone with the same IP will not award you a pvp crystal!" to attacker

                make console execute command "/crystal give %attacker% 1"
on join:
    if {ip.%player%} is not set:
        set {ip.%player%} to player's ip

on death of a player:
    if attacker is a player:
        if victim is a player:
            if "%region at player%" contains "pvp":
                if {ip.%attacker%} = {ip.%victim%}:
                    send "{@p} &7Killing someone with the same IP will not award you a pvp crystal!" to attacker
                    console command "crystal give %attacker% 1"
on join:
    if {ip.%player%} is not set:
        set {ip.%player%} to player's ip

on death of a player:
    if attacker is a player:
        if victim is a player:
            if "%region at player%" contains "pvp":
                if {ip.%attacker%} = {ip.%victim%}:
                    send "{@p} &7Killing someone with the same IP will not award you a pvp crystal!" to attacker
                    console command "crystal give %attacker% 1"
Oh well thank you for a better way of doing that but it still doesn't answer my question :emoji_frowning:
Im gonna use that tho
Oh well thank you for a better way of doing that but it still doesn't answer my question :emoji_frowning:
Im gonna use that tho
You can set a variable to `now` when the player kills another player. (For example, `set {lastkill::%attacker%::%victim%} to now`). Then, you can check how long ago that variable was, and handle it accordingly.
PS That code isn't better, it's actually worse.
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