Custom plugin, needs help!

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Jun 2, 2024
Category: SMP

Suggested name: Reaper smp (my server)

Spigot/Skript Version: any

What I want:

When you kill a player, you get a 'cog' to withdraw that cog into a item. (/withdraw) (Item of your choice) and you right click it, you get a cog, kinda like lifesteal's system. When you do /use or shop or buy, you can put the amount of cogs, what level of enchant you want, and you will recive a enchant of that level. For example I killed 5 people. /use 5 1, I may get mending, or curse of (something), also keep in mind, Please may certain levels. so if i put in 1 cog, i may get unbreaking, smite, or bane of arthopods. But from 2 - 3 + I may get like mending or eff. (Make silktouch very rare)
Also when you do /craft, it will open up a crafting gui, and if u put the items in the attachment, it a crafts cog.

Discord: anotherdumbcoder
Ideas for commands: /withdraw /use /shop /buy /craft
When I'd like it by: Couple of days or a week

Thank you!