custom model data problems

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New Member
Jun 16, 2023
soooooo im trying to update my plugin from 1.20.1 to 1.21 and it says there no errors in my code and im pretty sure it has to do with custom model data bc items with the model data's abilities don't work, clicking them in the gui to get the items I made doesnt work, but the items without custom model data work just fine

if you have any ideas on whats wrong please let me know!
soooooo im trying to update my plugin from 1.20.1 to 1.21 and it says there no errors in my code and im pretty sure it has to do with custom model data bc items with the model data's abilities don't work, clicking them in the gui to get the items I made doesnt work, but the items without custom model data work just fine

if you have any ideas on whats wrong please let me know!
Could you send the skript with the problem?
set slot 25 of player's current inventory to amethyst shard named "&2ᴅᴇɴᴅʀᴏ sʜᴀʀᴅ" with custom model data 49 with lore "&9--------------", "&7Right click twice", "&7to ride a &2&lVine!", and "&9--------------"

(this is just one line but everything kinda looks like this)

every 1 seconds:
loop all players:
if loop-player's offhand item is amethyst shard named "&5ᴀsᴛʀᴀʟ sʜᴀʀᴅ":
apply slow falling 255 to loop-player for 1 second
apply jump boost 20 to loop-player for 1 second

(lines like this would work on 1.20.1 but not 1.21)

im also using version 2.9.1 of skript and 3.6.1 of skbee
set slot 25 of player's current inventory to amethyst shard named "&2ᴅᴇɴᴅʀᴏ sʜᴀʀᴅ" with custom model data 49 with lore "&9--------------", "&7Right click twice", "&7to ride a &2&lVine!", and "&9--------------"

(this is just one line but everything kinda looks like this)

every 1 seconds:
loop all players:
if loop-player's offhand item is amethyst shard named "&5ᴀsᴛʀᴀʟ sʜᴀʀᴅ":
apply slow falling 255 to loop-player for 1 second
apply jump boost 20 to loop-player for 1 second

(lines like this would work on 1.20.1 but not 1.21)

im also using version 2.9.1 of skript and 3.6.1 of skbee
and it give no errors? in-game or in skunity parser?
no errors in game, and sk parser is giving me nothing related to the issue