Custom Model Data GUI

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Im not entirely sure, but looking around on the internet a bit I came across this forum post, though its a bit old (couldnt find anything newer):
perhaps what you can do is have a custom texture pack with a certain type of inventory and whenever you use a gui, you would use that type of inventory so that it would work? But honestly I have no clue, sorry...
Im not entirely sure, but looking around on the internet a bit I came across this forum post, though its a bit old (couldnt find anything newer):
perhaps what you can do is have a custom texture pack with a certain type of inventory and whenever you use a gui, you would use that type of inventory so that it would work? But honestly I have no clue, sorry...
That’s not what I was looking for but thanks anyways :emoji_slight_smile:
I understand what you were asking for but as far as i know it doesnt exist, so doing that would be the closest to what you are looking for
u can maybe try adding this to your gui minecraft:iron_ingot{CustomModelData:1234567} for example if u want it to be a custom item
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