Category: ?
Suggested name: CustomSilkSpawner
What I want:
1. If you break a spawner (doesn't need silk touch) it'll drop the spawner complete with it's nbt tags or whatever (like Spawn Range, Spawn Delay, etc)
2. If you place a spawner it'll place it complete with it's nbt tags or whatever ^
3. The nbt tags or whatever will be in a form of rarity/tiers (idk like tier stone, coal, iron,etc i can change it after i study the code)
4. and a command for buying it
Ideas for commands:
/CSS [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]
arg 1 is give
arg 2 target player or all
arg 3 type of mob
arg 4 rarity/tiers
Ideas for permissions:
i can figure this out later, i just need the codes, i'm seriously stuck
When I'd like it by:
IDK a reasonable time I guess?
Plugins I have: (if needed more tell me)
YES I'm just starting out
P.S I got these but I don't think it helps
Haven't checked for errors sry
Suggested name: CustomSilkSpawner
What I want:
1. If you break a spawner (doesn't need silk touch) it'll drop the spawner complete with it's nbt tags or whatever (like Spawn Range, Spawn Delay, etc)
2. If you place a spawner it'll place it complete with it's nbt tags or whatever ^
3. The nbt tags or whatever will be in a form of rarity/tiers (idk like tier stone, coal, iron,etc i can change it after i study the code)
4. and a command for buying it
Ideas for commands:
/CSS [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]
arg 1 is give
arg 2 target player or all
arg 3 type of mob
arg 4 rarity/tiers
Ideas for permissions:
i can figure this out later, i just need the codes, i'm seriously stuck
When I'd like it by:
IDK a reasonable time I guess?
Plugins I have: (if needed more tell me)
YES I'm just starting out
P.S I got these but I don't think it helps
Haven't checked for errors sry
on break of mob spawner:
if {_s::%event-block%} is not set:
set {_s::%event-block%} to "%nbt of targeted block%"
set {_s::%event-block%::*} to {_s::%event-block%} split at """"
if {_s::%event-block%::2} is "minecraft:pig":
drop a mob spawner named "PIG"
on place of mob spawner:
player is holding mob spawner named "Blaze"
set mob type of spawner target block to "Blaze"
player is holding mob spawner named "PIG"
set mob type of spawner target block to "Pig"
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