Skript Version: 2.5.3
Skript Addons: SkQuery
Minecraft Version: 1.16.5
I am attempting - if possible - to create a custom crafting recipe in which the outputted item has a modified attribute (E.g. higher base attack damage).
The code I currently have is:
No errors are given, the recipe works fine, however the item that it gives me is just a regular diamond sword with no modified attribute.
Skript Addons: SkQuery
Minecraft Version: 1.16.5
I am attempting - if possible - to create a custom crafting recipe in which the outputted item has a modified attribute (E.g. higher base attack damage).
The code I currently have is:
excalibur item = minecraft:diamond_sword {AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.attack_damage",Name:"generic.attack_damage",Amount:10,Operation:0,UUID:[I; -1, -1, -1, -1]}]}
on load:
register new shaped recipe for excalibur item named "&6Excalibur" with lore "A Hero's Weapon" using air, diamond block, air, air, diamond block, air, gold block, nether star, gold block
No errors are given, the recipe works fine, however the item that it gives me is just a regular diamond sword with no modified attribute.