crate system

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New Member
Apr 7, 2020
I need help one time, I just can't fix these errors:
I have already tried everything and when I install the latest version of script I get this error message:

Thank you for the answers

    skull-owner: MHF_Question
    skull-owner-2: MHF_Exclamation

function animation(loct: location, p: player):
    set {_b} to block above block at {_loct}
    set {_f} to facing of block above block at {_loct}
    if {_f} is north:
        set {_angle} to 3.1
        set {_d} to "z"
    else if {_f} is east:
        set {_angle} to 4.75
        set {_d} to "x"
    else if {_f} is south:
        set {_d} to "z"
        set {_angle} to 0
    else if {_f} is west:
        set {_d} to "x"
        set {_angle} to 1.55
    evaluate "openChest({_b}, 7.5 seconds)"
    set {_loct2} to {_loct}
    add 0.5 to y coord of {_loct2}
    loop 6 times:
        spawn armor stand at location of block at {_loct}
        set {_as} to last spawned armor stand
        add {_as} to {_as::*}
        set visible of {_as} to false
        set small of {_as} to true
        set gravity of {_as} to false
        set helmet of {_as} to skull of "{@skull-owner}" parsed as a offline player
        set {_asloc} to location of {_as}
        set y coord of {_asloc} to y coord of {_as} + 5
        teleport {_as} to {_asloc}
        loop 5 times:
            add 1/6 to y coord of {_asloc}
            teleport {_as} to {_asloc}
            wait 1 tick
        set y coord of {_asloc} to y coord of {_loct} + 1.5
        teleport {_as} to {_asloc}
        circleAS({_as}, {_asloc}, {_b}, {_loct2}, {_angle}, {_d})
    wait 2 seconds
    set {_l} to size of {_as::*}
    delete {_as::%{_l}%}
    set {_l::*} to {_as::*}
    loop {_l::*}:
        set {_o} to random element out of {_as::*}
        remove {_o} from {_as::*}
        kill {_o}
        wait 4 ticks
    set metadata "stop" of {_as} to true
    while metadata "stopped" of {_as} is not set:
        wait 1 tick
    set {_asloc} to location of {_as}
    loop 3 times:
        remove 0.1 from y coord of {_asloc}
        teleport {_as} to {_asloc}
        wait 3 ticks
    wait 2 ticks
    set custom name visible of {_as} to true
    set custom name of {_as} to "&kabcdefghijklmnop"
    wait 1.5 seconds
    show mob spawner flames at location of block above {_as} to all players
    set helmet of {_as} to skull of "{@skull-owner-2}" parsed as a offline player
    set custom name of {_as} to "&cYour price!"
    # price code
    give {_p} 1 diamond
    send "&aYou got &ba diamond &afrom a crate!" to {_p}
    # price code
    wait 2 seconds
    kill {_as}

function openChest(b: block, t: timespan):
    set {_now} to now
    while {_now} was less than {_t} ago:
        skellett make {_b} look open for all players
        wait 1 tick
function circleAS(as: entity, asloc: location, b: block, loct: location, angle: number, d: text):
    set {_l::*} to circle at location of {_b} with radius 1 and density 5
    loop {_l::*}:
        set {_loc2} to loop-value
        if {_d} is "z":
            set z coord of {_loc2} to z coord of {_loct}
            set y coord of {_loc2} to y coord of {_loct} - (z coord of {_loct} - z coord of loop-value)
            set z coord of {_loc2} to z coord of {_loct}
            set x coord of {_loc2} to x coord of {_loct}
            set y coord of {_loc2} to y coord of {_loct} - (x coord of {_loct} - x coord of loop-value)
            set x coord of {_loc2} to x coord of {_loct}
        set {_l::%loop-index%} to {_loc2}
    loop {_l::*}:
        set {_i} to loop-index parsed as a number + 24
        if {_i} > size of {_l::*}:
            remove size of {_l::*} from {_i}
        set {_l2::%{_i}%} to loop-value
    while true:
        loop {_l2::*}:
            teleport {_as} to loop-value
            set head y angle of {_as} to {_angle}
            wait 1 tick
        teleport {_as} to {_asloc}
        if metadata "stop" of {_as} is true:
            wait 10 ticks
            set metadata "stopped" of {_as} to true

on right click on ender chest:
    cancel event
    set {_loc} to location of clicked block
    remove 1.5 from y coord of {_loc}
    animation({_loc}, player)
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