Solved Crate Key only Backpack

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Sean Sean

May 19, 2018
Suggested name: Key Backpack

What I want:
I have the plugin "EZBlocks" on my server and I have mining rewards set up. Whenever a player reaches a certain amount of blocks or the player is mining on the set interval's time I want a key to be given to the player and placed in the player's backpack which will be just a normal chest in their hand and it opens a menu that has the keys listed like so in this quick menu I made here:

For the tripwire hooks I want them to have lores on them you can just put something random for me to fill in but I also want a placeholder/variable on the lores that has the amount of keys the player has.

Ideas for commands: keybp (to open menu)

Ideas for permissions: key.bp

When I'd like it by: Anytime before the 15th

If you can do this please PM me here.
Started on it. I'm trying to make it extremely variable. If you have any extra request, let me know.

Also, what happens on click? Nothing?


I have to leave for awhile, so here is the slightly tested version. I'll update it once I have more time

#Author: Policiu
#Start: 2018/06/09 12:20 AM
#End:   2018/06/09 01:28 PM

#Variable domain used {keyBP::*}
# p = player
# k = key
# s = setting


    PREFIX: [Key]
    #Potential Problem with long names
    INVENTORY_NAME: Your keys
    INVENTORY_BORDER: black stained glass pane named " "
    INVENTORY_BORDER_ID: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,17,18,26,27,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43, and 44
    INVENTORY_BORDER_INNER: purple stained glass pane named " "
    INVENTORY_BORDER_INNER_ID: 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,28,29,30,31,32,33, and 34
    INVENTORY_NEXT: green stained glass pane named "<gold>Next Page"
    INVENTORY_PREV: red stained glass pane named "<gold>Previous Page"
    #Edge Cases
    NO_KEYS: dead bush named "<reset>No keys"
    NO_KEYS_LORE: <reset>This Is Where I'd Put My Keys
    NO_KEYS_LORE_2: <reset><bold>If I Had One
    #default key options // use ingame commands
    KEY_ITEM: tripwire hook
    KEY_LORE: "<NONE>" and "<NONE>"
    MESSAGE_PLAYER_GET_1: You have recieved
    MESSAGE_PLAYER_CLEAR: Your keys have been wiped!
    MESSAGE_PLAYER_TAKE: Some our your keys have been taken!
    MESSAGE_PLAYER_DO_NOT_HAVE: You do not have any of these keys!
    MESSAGE_PLAYER_INVENTORY_FULL: Your Inventory is full!

function keyBPAdminList(player: player, startID: number):
    open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "{@DEBUG_INVENTORY_NAME} | %{_startID}%" to {_player}
    #Color Chest
    create gui slot {@INVENTORY_BORDER_ID} of {_player} with {@INVENTORY_BORDER} to do nothing
    create gui slot {@INVENTORY_BORDER_INNER_ID} of {_player} with {@INVENTORY_BORDER_INNER} to do nothing
    #if number of keys exceed 5 & if already on another page
    if (size of {keyBP::k::*} > 4 + {_startID}):
        unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_NEXT_ID} of {_player}
        create gui slot {@INVENTORY_NEXT_ID} of {_player} with {@INVENTORY_NEXT} to run function keyBPAdminList({_player}, {_startID} + 5)
    if {_startID} != 1:
        unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_PREV_ID} of {_player}
        create gui slot {@INVENTORY_PREV_ID} of {_player} with {@INVENTORY_PREV} to run function keyBPAdminList({_player}, {_startID} - 5)
    #Start displaying hooks
    if size of {keyBP::k::*} is 0:
        #I can't figure out how to set the lore in one line
        set {_item} to {@NO_KEYS}
        set line 1 of lore of {_item} to "{@NO_KEYS_LORE}"
        set line 2 of lore of {_item} to "{@NO_KEYS_LORE_2}"
        set slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_1_ID} of the current inventory of {_player} to {_item}
    set {_Place} to 1
    set {_check} to 1
    loop {keyBP::k::*}:
        if {_check} < {_startID}:
            add 1 to {_check}
            clear {_item}
            set {_item} to {keyBP::k::%loop-index%::Item} named {keyBP::k::%loop-index%::Name}
            set line 1 of lore of {_item} to "<reset><gold>ID: %loop-index%"
            loop {keyBP::k::%loop-index%::Lore::*}:
                set line loop-index-2 parsed as a number + 1 of lore of {_item} to loop-value-2
            if {_Place} is 1:

                unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_1_ID} of {_player}
                create gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_1_ID} of {_player} with {_item} to do nothing
            if {_Place} is 2:

                unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_2_ID} of {_player}
                create gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_2_ID} of {_player} with {_item} to do nothing
            if {_Place} is 3:

                unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_3_ID} of {_player}
                create gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_3_ID} of {_player} with {_item} to do nothing
            if {_Place} is 4:

                unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_4_ID} of {_player}
                create gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_4_ID} of {_player} with {_item} to do nothing
            if {_Place} is 5:

                unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_5_ID} of {_player}
                create gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_5_ID} of {_player} with {_item} to do nothing
            add 1 to {_Place}
function keyBPPlayerList(player: player, startID: number):
    open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "{@INVENTORY_NAME} | Page %(({_startID} - 1) / 5 )+ 1%" to {_player}
    #Color Chest
    create gui slot {@INVENTORY_BORDER_ID} of {_player} with {@INVENTORY_BORDER} to do nothing
    create gui slot {@INVENTORY_BORDER_INNER_ID} of {_player} with {@INVENTORY_BORDER_INNER} to do nothing
    #if number of keys exceed 5 & if already on another page
    if (size of {keyBP::p::%{_player}%::Inv::*} > 4 + {_startID}):
        unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_NEXT_ID} of {_player}
        create gui slot {@INVENTORY_NEXT_ID} of {_player} with {@INVENTORY_NEXT} to run function keyBPPlayerList({_player}, {_startID} + 5)
    if {_startID} != 1:
        unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_PREV_ID} of {_player}
        create gui slot {@INVENTORY_PREV_ID} of {_player} with {@INVENTORY_PREV} to run function keyBPPlayerList({_player}, {_startID} - 5)
    #Start displaying hooks
    if size of {keyBP::p::%{_player}%::Inv::*} is 0:
        #I can't figure out how to set the lore in one line
        set {_item} to {@NO_KEYS}
        set line 1 of lore of {_item} to "{@NO_KEYS_LORE}"
        set line 2 of lore of {_item} to "{@NO_KEYS_LORE_2}"
        set slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_1_ID} of the current inventory of {_player} to {_item}
    set {_Place} to 1
    set {_check} to 1
    loop {keyBP::p::%{_player}%::Inv::*}:
        if {_check} < {_startID}:
            add 1 to {_check}
            clear {_item}
            set {_item} to {keyBP::k::%loop-index%::Item} named {keyBP::k::%loop-index%::Name}
            set line 1 of lore of {_item} to "<reset><gold>Amount: %{keyBP::p::%{_player}%::Inv::%loop-index%}%"
            loop {keyBP::k::%loop-index%::Lore::*}:
                set line loop-index-2 parsed as a number + 1 of lore of {_item} to loop-value-2
            if {_Place} is 1:

                unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_1_ID} of {_player}
                create gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_1_ID} of {_player} with {_item} to run function keyBPPlayerChestExchange({_player}, {_item}, loop-index parsed as an integer, {_startID})
            if {_Place} is 2:

                unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_2_ID} of {_player}
                create gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_2_ID} of {_player} with {_item} to run function keyBPPlayerChestExchange({_player}, {_item}, loop-index parsed as an integer, {_startID})
            if {_Place} is 3:

                unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_3_ID} of {_player}
                create gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_3_ID} of {_player} with {_item} to run function keyBPPlayerChestExchange({_player}, {_item}, loop-index parsed as an integer, {_startID})
            if {_Place} is 4:

                unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_4_ID} of {_player}
                create gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_4_ID} of {_player} with {_item} to run function keyBPPlayerChestExchange({_player}, {_item}, loop-index parsed as an integer, {_startID})
            if {_Place} is 5:

                unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_5_ID} of {_player}
                create gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_5_ID} of {_player} with {_item} to run function keyBPPlayerChestExchange({_player}, {_item}, loop-index parsed as an integer, {_startID})
            add 1 to {_Place}

function keyBPPlayerChestExchange(player: player, item: item, id: number, OG: number):
    if {_player} has enough space for 1 of {_item}:
        if {keyBP::p::%{_player}%::Inv::%{_id}%} > 0:
            subtract 1 from {keyBP::p::%{_player}%::Inv::%{_id}%}
            if {keyBP::p::%{_player}%::Inv::%{_id}%} = 0:
                clear {keyBP::p::%{_player}%::Inv::%{_id}%}
            set line 1 of lore of {_item} to ""
            give {_player} 1 of {_item}
            send "{@PREFIX} {@MESSAGE_PLAYER_DO_NOT_HAVE}" to {_player} #Won't happen
        send "{@PREFIX} {@MESSAGE_PLAYER_INVENTORY_FULL}" to {_player}

    keyBPPlayerList({_player}, {_OG})
# Commands

command /keyBackPack:
    permission: key.bp
    aliases: keybp
        keyBPPlayerList(player, 1)
command /keyAdmin [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
    permission: key.admin
    aliases: keyA
        #Since this is for admins, I didn't dress it up
        send "%arg 1% %arg 2% %arg 3% %arg 4% %arg 5%"
        #Global Commands
        if arg 1 is "create":
            set {_placeholder} to -1
            add {_placeholder} to {keyBP::k::*}
            loop {keyBP::k::*}:
                if loop-value is {_placeholder}:
                    set {keyBP::k::%loop-index%} to loop-index
                    set {keyBP::k::%loop-index%::Name} to "{@KEY_NAME}"
                    set {keyBP::k::%loop-index%::Item} to {@KEY_ITEM}
                    set {keyBP::k::%loop-index%::Lore} to "lore"
                    set {keyBP::k::%loop-index%::Lore::*} to {@KEY_LORE}
                    send "{@PREFIX} New Key added. ID: %loop-index%"
            send "{@PREFIX} New key adding failed!"
        if arg 1 is "edit":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Please specify an ID"
                send "/keyAdmin edit <ID> <OPTION>"
            set {_ID} to arg 2 parsed as a number
            if {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%} is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Invalid ID"
            if arg 3 is "item":
                if arg 5 is set:
                    set {_item} to "%arg 4% %arg 5%" parsed as an item
                    set {_item} to arg 4 parsed as an item
                if {_item} is not an item:
                    if arg 5 is set:
                        send "{@PREFIX} Invalid item: %arg 4% %arg 5%"
                        send "{@PREFIX} Invalid item: %arg 4%"
                set {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::Item} to {_item}
                send "{@PREFIX} Key was set to %{_item}%"
            if arg 3 is "name":
                if arg 4 is not set:
                    send "{@PREFIX} Use /keyAdmin edit %{_ID}% name <text>"
                if arg 5 is set:
                    set {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::Name} to colored "%arg 4% %arg 5%"
                    set {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::Name} to colored arg 4
            if arg 3 is "lore" :
                if arg 4 is not set:
                    send "{@PREFIX} Use /keyAdmin edit %{_ID}% lore <text>"
                #Allow multiple lines!
                set {_text::*} to colored arg 4 split at "||"
                loop {_text::*}:
                    add loop-value to {_lore::*}
                if arg 5 is set:
                    #Allow multiple lines!
                    clear {_text::*}
                    set {_text::*} to colored arg 5 split at "||"
                    set {_size} to size of {_lore::*}
                    set {_lore::%{_size}%} to "%{_lore::%{_size}%}% %{_text::1}%"
                    clear {_text::1}
                    loop {_text::*}:
                        add loop-value to {_lore::*}
                #In case previous lore was longer than new lore
                clear {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::Lore::*}
                set {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::Lore::*} to {_lore::*}
                send "{@PREFIX} Key's lore was set to %{keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::Lore::*}%"
            #Invalid or no argument given
            send ""
            send "Valid options"
            send "-------------"
            send "Item: Change the item the key displays"
            send "Name: Change the name of the key"
            send "Lore: Change the lore of the key. use '||' for a new line"
            send "Example: /keyAdmin edit Lore Hey world! || How are you??"
        if arg 1 is "delete":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Please specify an ID"
                send "/keyAdmin delete <ID>"
            set {_ID} to arg 2 parsed as a number
            if {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%} is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Invalid ID"
            clear {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::*}
            clear {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%}
            loop {keyBP::p::*}:
                clear {keyBP::p::%loop-index%::Inv::%{_ID}%}
            send "{@PREFIX} Key %{_ID}% was removed"
        if arg 1 is "list":
            keyBPAdminList(player, 1)
        if arg 1 is "info":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Please specify an ID"
                send "/keyAdmin delete <ID>"
            set {_ID} to arg 2 parsed as a number
            if {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%} is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Invalid ID"
            send "NAME: %{keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::Name}%"
            send "ITEM: %{keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::Item}%"
            send "LORE: %{keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::Lore}%"
        #Player specific commands
        if arg 1 is "give":
            set {_player} to arg 2 parsed as a player
            if {_player} is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Player not found!"
                send "{@PREFIX} /keyAdmin give <player> <Key ID> <Amount>"
            if arg 3 is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Please specify an ID"
                send "/keyAdmin /keyAdmin give %arg 3% <Key ID> <Amount>"
            set {_ID} to arg 3 parsed as a number
            if {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%} is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Invalid ID"
            if arg 4 is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Please specify an number"
                send "/keyAdmin /keyAdmin give %arg 3% %arg 4% <Amount>"
            if arg 4 parsed as number is not greater than 0:
                send "{@PREFIX} Invalid number: %arg 4%"
            add arg 4 parsed as a number to {keyBP::p::%{_player}%::Inv::%{_ID}%}
            send "{@PREFIX} Added %arg 4% Keys (ID: %{_ID}%) to %{_player}%"
            send "{@PREFIX} {@MESSAGE_PLAYER_GET_1} %arg 4% {@MESSAGE_PLAYER_GET_2}" to {_player}

        if arg 1 is "take":
            set {_player} to arg 2 parsed as a player
            if {_player} is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Player not found!"
                send "{@PREFIX} /keyAdmin take <player> <Key ID> <Amount>"
            if arg 3 is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Please specify an ID"
                send "/keyAdmin /keyAdmin take %arg 3% <Key ID> <Amount>"
            set {_ID} to arg 3 parsed as a number
            if {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%} is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Invalid ID"
            if arg 4 is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Please specify an number"
                send "/keyAdmin /keyAdmin take %arg 3% %arg 4% <Amount>"
            if arg 4 parsed as number is not greater than 0:
                send "{@PREFIX} Invalid number: %arg 4%"
            send "{@PREFIX} Removed (at most) %arg 4% keys from %{_player}%"
            send "{@PREFIX} {@MESSAGE_PLAYER_TAKE}" to {_player}
        if arg 1 is "clear":
            set {_player} to arg 2 parsed as a player
            if {_player} is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Player not found!"
                send "{@PREFIX} /keyAdmin clear <player>"
            clear {keyBP::p::%{_player}%::Inv::*}
            send "{@PREFIX} %{_player}%'s Keys have been cleared"
            send "{@PREFIX} {@MESSAGE_PLAYER_CLEAR}" to {_player}
        if arg 1 is "peek":
            set {_player} to arg 2 parsed as a player
            if {_player} is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Player not found!"
                send "{@PREFIX} /keyAdmin peek <player>"
            send "{@PREFIX} %player%'s keys"
            loop {keyBP::p::%{_player}%::Inv::*}:
                send "ID: %loop-index% | Amount: %loop-value%"
        #No argument is given
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "-------{@PREFIX}-------"
            send "Global Commands"
            send "-----------------------"
            send "Create: create a new key"
            send "Edit: edit an existing key"
            send "Delete: delete an existing key"
            send "List: list all keys"
            send "Info: list the info of 1 key"
            send "-----------------------"
            send "Player specific commands"
            send "-----------------------"
            send "Give give a key to a player"
            send "Take: remove a key from a player"
            send "Clear: clear all keys from a player"
            send "Peek: see what keys a player has"
        #Invaild Argument
        send "{@PREFIX} Invalid Command"

on join:
    set {keyBP::p::%player%} to uuid of player
Last edited:
On the tripwire hooks I want it to be a redeem option to give them the keys
By give them the keys I mean like put them in their inventory
Posting here for everyone.

Allows admins to set up and modify keys for players.
They can modify
  • Name
  • Item
  • Lore
  • Command - This is run when a player uses a key. Note: The user adding the command must have permission for that command
  • CommandType - Console or Player. When player it uses the player's permission
As well they can
  • Give keys to players
  • Take keys from players
  • Peek into player's chests (sorta)
  • Clear all keys from players
  • Delete keys
Players can (if given permission) use /keybp to get a chest that opens their keys. From there they can use said keys.

#Author: Policiu
#Start: 2018/06/09 12:20 AM
#End:   2018/06/09 01:28 PM
#Updated: 2018/06/10 4:04 PM

#Variable domain used {keyBP::*}
# p = player
# k = key

    #This prefaces most messages
    PREFIX: <reset>[Key]<reset>
    #This is what players see when looking in there backpack
    INVENTORY_NAME: Your keys
    #This is what an admin sees when looking at all keys
    INVENTORY_BORDER: black stained glass pane named " "
    INVENTORY_BORDER_ID: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,17,18,26,27,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43, and 44
    INVENTORY_BORDER_INNER: purple stained glass pane named " "
    INVENTORY_BORDER_INNER_ID: 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,28,29,30,31,32,33, and 34
    #Next Page Button
    INVENTORY_NEXT: green stained glass pane named "<gold>Next Page"
    #Previous Page Button
    INVENTORY_PREV: red stained glass pane named "<gold>Previous Page"
    #There is only support for 5 slots
    #They are out of order on purpose
    #If the player does not have any keys
    NO_KEYS: dead bush named "<reset>No keys"
    #If I were using SKQuery you could have as many lines as possible
    #If you have SKQuery, use %nl% for addition lines
    NO_KEYS_LORE: <reset>This Is Where I'd Put My Keys
    NO_KEYS_LORE_2: <reset><bold>If I Had One
    #default key options when a new key is made // use ingame commands to change once created
    KEY_ITEM: tripwire hook
    KEY_LORE: "<NONE>" and "<NONE>"
    #Messages that the player sees
    MESSAGE_PLAYER_GET_1: You have recieved
    MESSAGE_PLAYER_CLEAR: Your keys have been wiped!
    MESSAGE_PLAYER_TAKE: Some our your keys have been taken!
    MESSAGE_PLAYER_DO_NOT_HAVE: You do not have any of these keys!
    MESSAGE_PLAYER_INVENTORY_FULL: Your Inventory is full!
    #Backpack for keys
    CHEST_TYPE: ender chest
    CHEST_NAME: "<reset>Key Back Pack"
    #If you have SKQuery, use %nl% for addition lines
    CHEST_LORE_1: <green>Spooky
    CHEST_LORE_2: <red>
    #Options for backpack
    CHEST_CAN_DROP: true
    #This is the max amount a player can have of one key
    KEY_LIMIT: 1024
    KEY_GIVE_BACK_PACK: key.bp
    KEY_ADMIN: key.admin


#This function allows the admins to see what keys are on the server
function keyBPAdminList(player: player, startID: number):
    open virtual chest inventory with size {@INVENTORY_SIZE} named "{@DEBUG_INVENTORY_NAME} | %{_startID}%" to {_player}
    #Color Chest
    create gui slot {@INVENTORY_BORDER_ID} of {_player} with {@INVENTORY_BORDER} to do nothing
    create gui slot {@INVENTORY_BORDER_INNER_ID} of {_player} with {@INVENTORY_BORDER_INNER} to do nothing
    #if number of keys exceed 5 & if already on another page
    if (size of {keyBP::k::*} > 4 + {_startID}):
        unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_NEXT_ID} of {_player}
        create gui slot {@INVENTORY_NEXT_ID} of {_player} with {@INVENTORY_NEXT} to run function keyBPAdminList({_player}, {_startID} + 5)
    if {_startID} != 1:
        unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_PREV_ID} of {_player}
        create gui slot {@INVENTORY_PREV_ID} of {_player} with {@INVENTORY_PREV} to run function keyBPAdminList({_player}, {_startID} - 5)
    #Start displaying hooks
    if size of {keyBP::k::*} is 0:
        #I can't figure out how to set the lore in one line
        set {_item} to {@NO_KEYS}
        set line 1 of lore of {_item} to "{@NO_KEYS_LORE}"
        set line 2 of lore of {_item} to "{@NO_KEYS_LORE_2}"
        set slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_1_ID} of the current inventory of {_player} to {_item}
    set {_Place} to 1
    #Allows the loop to find where to start. I should have used modulus
    set {_check} to 1
    loop {keyBP::k::*}:
        if {_check} < {_startID}:
            add 1 to {_check}
            clear {_item}
            set {_item} to {keyBP::k::%loop-index%::Item} named {keyBP::k::%loop-index%::Name}
            set line 1 of lore of {_item} to "<reset><gold>ID: %loop-index%"
            set line 2 of lore of {_item} to "<reset><gold>Command: <reset>%{keyBP::k::%loop-index%::Command}%"
            set line 3 of lore of {_item} to "<reset><gold>CommandType: <reset>%{keyBP::k::%loop-index%::CommandType}%"
            loop {keyBP::k::%loop-index%::Lore::*}:
                set line loop-index-2 parsed as a number + 1 of lore of {_item} to loop-value-2
            #Format of key placement
            if {_Place} is 1:

                unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_1_ID} of {_player}
                create gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_1_ID} of {_player} with {_item} to do nothing
            if {_Place} is 2:

                unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_2_ID} of {_player}
                create gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_2_ID} of {_player} with {_item} to do nothing
            if {_Place} is 3:

                unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_3_ID} of {_player}
                create gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_3_ID} of {_player} with {_item} to do nothing
            if {_Place} is 4:

                unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_4_ID} of {_player}
                create gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_4_ID} of {_player} with {_item} to do nothing
            if {_Place} is 5:

                unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_5_ID} of {_player}
                create gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_5_ID} of {_player} with {_item} to do nothing
            add 1 to {_Place}
function keyBPPlayerList(player: player, startID: number):
    open virtual chest inventory with size {@INVENTORY_SIZE} named "{@INVENTORY_NAME} | Page %(({_startID} - 1) / 5 )+ 1%" to {_player}
    #Color Chest
    create gui slot {@INVENTORY_BORDER_ID} of {_player} with {@INVENTORY_BORDER} to do nothing
    create gui slot {@INVENTORY_BORDER_INNER_ID} of {_player} with {@INVENTORY_BORDER_INNER} to do nothing
    #if number of keys exceed 5 & if already on another page
    if (size of {keyBP::p::%{_player}%::Inv::*} > 4 + {_startID}):
        unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_NEXT_ID} of {_player}
        create gui slot {@INVENTORY_NEXT_ID} of {_player} with {@INVENTORY_NEXT} to run function keyBPPlayerList({_player}, {_startID} + 5)
    if {_startID} != 1:
        unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_PREV_ID} of {_player}
        create gui slot {@INVENTORY_PREV_ID} of {_player} with {@INVENTORY_PREV} to run function keyBPPlayerList({_player}, {_startID} - 5)
    #Start displaying hooks
    if size of {keyBP::p::%{_player}%::Inv::*} is 0:
        #I can't figure out how to set the lore in one line
        set {_item} to {@NO_KEYS}
        set line 1 of lore of {_item} to "{@NO_KEYS_LORE}"
        set line 2 of lore of {_item} to "{@NO_KEYS_LORE_2}"
        set slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_1_ID} of the current inventory of {_player} to {_item}
    set {_Place} to 1
    set {_check} to 1
    loop {keyBP::p::%{_player}%::Inv::*}:
        if {_check} < {_startID}:
            add 1 to {_check}
            clear {_item}
            set {_item} to {keyBP::k::%loop-index%::Item} named {keyBP::k::%loop-index%::Name}
            set line 1 of lore of {_item} to "<reset><gold>Amount: %{keyBP::p::%{_player}%::Inv::%loop-index%}%"
            loop {keyBP::k::%loop-index%::Lore::*}:
                set line loop-index-2 parsed as a number + 1 of lore of {_item} to loop-value-2
            if {_Place} is 1:

                unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_1_ID} of {_player}
                create gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_1_ID} of {_player} with {_item} to run function keyBPPlayerChestExchange({_player}, {_item}, loop-index parsed as an integer, {_startID})
            if {_Place} is 2:

                unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_2_ID} of {_player}
                create gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_2_ID} of {_player} with {_item} to run function keyBPPlayerChestExchange({_player}, {_item}, loop-index parsed as an integer, {_startID})
            if {_Place} is 3:

                unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_3_ID} of {_player}
                create gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_3_ID} of {_player} with {_item} to run function keyBPPlayerChestExchange({_player}, {_item}, loop-index parsed as an integer, {_startID})
            if {_Place} is 4:

                unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_4_ID} of {_player}
                create gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_4_ID} of {_player} with {_item} to run function keyBPPlayerChestExchange({_player}, {_item}, loop-index parsed as an integer, {_startID})
            if {_Place} is 5:

                unformat the gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_5_ID} of {_player}
                create gui slot {@INVENTORY_KEY_5_ID} of {_player} with {_item} to run function keyBPPlayerChestExchange({_player}, {_item}, loop-index parsed as an integer, {_startID})
            add 1 to {_Place}

#This function will exhange one key to run the command associated with that key
function keyBPPlayerChestExchange(player: player, item: item, id: number, OG: number):
    if {keyBP::p::%{_player}%::Inv::%{_id}%} > 0:
        subtract 1 from {keyBP::p::%{_player}%::Inv::%{_id}%}
        if {keyBP::p::%{_player}%::Inv::%{_id}%} = 0:
            clear {keyBP::p::%{_player}%::Inv::%{_id}%}
        if {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::CommandType} is false: #Bad Programming :(
            execute {_player} command "%{keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::Command}%"
            execute server command "%{keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::Command}%"
        send "{@PREFIX} {@MESSAGE_PLAYER_DO_NOT_HAVE}" to {_player} #Won't happen
    keyBPPlayerList({_player}, {_OG})
# Commands

#Gives the player a backpack
command /keyBackPack <player>:
    permission: {@KEY_GIVE_BACK_PACK}
    aliases: keybp
        set {_item} to {@CHEST_TYPE} named {@CHEST_NAME}
        set line 1 of the lore of {_item} to "{@CHEST_LORE_1}"
        set line 2 of the lore of {_item} to "{@CHEST_LORE_2}"
        give 1 of {_item} to arg
#Creation and Distribution of keys      
command /keyAdmin [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
    permission: {@KEY_ADMIN}
    aliases: keyA
        #Since this is for admins, I didn't dress it up
        #Global Commands
        if arg 1 is "create":
            set {_placeholder} to -1
            add {_placeholder} to {keyBP::k::*}
            loop {keyBP::k::*}:
                if loop-value is {_placeholder}:
                    set {keyBP::k::%loop-index%} to loop-index
                    set {keyBP::k::%loop-index%::Name} to "{@KEY_NAME}"
                    set {keyBP::k::%loop-index%::Item} to {@KEY_ITEM}
                    set {keyBP::k::%loop-index%::Lore} to "lore"
                    set {keyBP::k::%loop-index%::Lore::*} to {@KEY_LORE}
                    send "{@PREFIX} New Key added. ID: %loop-index%"
            send "{@PREFIX} New key adding failed!"
        if arg 1 is "edit":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Please specify an ID"
                send "/keyAdmin edit <ID> <OPTION>"
            set {_ID} to arg 2 parsed as a number
            if {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%} is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Invalid ID"
            if arg 3 is "item":
                if arg 5 is set:
                    set {_item} to "%arg 4% %arg 5%" parsed as an item
                    set {_item} to arg 4 parsed as an item
                if {_item} is not an item:
                    if arg 5 is set:
                        send "{@PREFIX} Invalid item: %arg 4% %arg 5%"
                        send "{@PREFIX} Invalid item: %arg 4%"
                set {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::Item} to {_item}
                send "{@PREFIX} Key was set to %{_item}%"
            if arg 3 is "name":
                if arg 4 is not set:
                    send "{@PREFIX} Use /keyAdmin edit %{_ID}% name <text>"
                if arg 5 is set:
                    set {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::Name} to colored "%arg 4% %arg 5%"
                    set {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::Name} to colored arg 4
            if arg 3 is "lore" :
                if arg 4 is not set:
                    send "{@PREFIX} Use /keyAdmin edit %{_ID}% lore <text>"
                #Allow multiple lines!
                set {_text::*} to colored arg 4 split at "||"
                loop {_text::*}:
                    add loop-value to {_lore::*}
                if arg 5 is set:
                    #Allow multiple lines!
                    clear {_text::*}
                    set {_text::*} to colored arg 5 split at "||"
                    set {_size} to size of {_lore::*}
                    set {_lore::%{_size}%} to "%{_lore::%{_size}%}% %{_text::1}%"
                    clear {_text::1}
                    loop {_text::*}:
                        add loop-value to {_lore::*}
                #In case previous lore was longer than new lore
                clear {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::Lore::*}
                set {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::Lore::*} to {_lore::*}
                send "{@PREFIX} Key's lore was set to %{keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::Lore::*}%"
            if arg 3 is "command":
                if arg 4 is not set:
                    send "{@PREFIX} Use /keyAdmin edit %{_ID}% command <text>"
                if arg 5 is set:
                    set {_command} to "%arg 4% %arg 5%"
                    set {_command} to arg 4
                set {_permission} to permission of command arg 4
                if player does not have permission {_permission}:
                    send "{@PREFIX} You do not have permission to add this command!"
                    if {_permission} is not set:
                        set {_permission} to "*"
                    send "{@PREFIX} Requires: %{_permission}%"
                set {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::Command} to {_command}
                send "{@PREFIX} Key's command was set to %{keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::Command}%"
            if arg 3 is "commandtype":
                if arg 4 is not set:
                    send "{@PREFIX} Use /keyAdmin edit %{_ID}% commandtype console/player"
                if arg 4 is "player" or "console":
                    if arg 4 is "player":
                        set {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::CommandType} to false
                        set {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::CommandType} to true
                    send "{@PREFIX} Use /keyAdmin edit %{_ID}% commandtype console/player"
                send "{@PREFIX} Key's commandType was set to %{keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::CommandType}%"
            #Invalid or no argument given
            send ""
            send "Valid options"
            send "-------------"
            send "Item: Change the item the key displays"
            send "Name: Change the name of the key"
            send "Lore: Change the lore of the key. use '||' for a new line"
            send "Command: Changes the command run when a key is used."
            send "CommandType: Changes the who runs the command (Server/Player)"
            send "Example: /keyAdmin edit Lore Hey world! || How are you??"
        if arg 1 is "delete":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Please specify an ID"
                send "/keyAdmin delete <ID>"
            set {_ID} to arg 2 parsed as a number
            if {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%} is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Invalid ID"
            clear {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::*}
            clear {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%}
            loop {keyBP::p::*}:
                clear {keyBP::p::%loop-index%::Inv::%{_ID}%}
            send "{@PREFIX} Key %{_ID}% was removed"
        if arg 1 is "list":
            keyBPAdminList(player, 1)
        if arg 1 is "info":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Please specify an ID"
                send "/keyAdmin delete <ID>"
            set {_ID} to arg 2 parsed as a number
            if {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%} is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Invalid ID"
            send "NAME: %{keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::Name}%"
            send "ITEM: %{keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::Item}%"
            send "LORE: %{keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::Lore}%"
            send "COMMAND: %{keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::Command}%"
            send "COMMANDTYPE: %{keyBP::k::%{_ID}%::CommandType}%"
        #Player specific commands
        if arg 1 is "give":
            set {_player} to arg 2 parsed as a player
            if {_player} is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Player not found!"
                send "{@PREFIX} /keyAdmin give <player> <Key ID> <Amount>"
            if arg 3 is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Please specify an ID"
                send "/keyAdmin /keyAdmin give %arg 3% <Key ID> <Amount>"
            set {_ID} to arg 3 parsed as a number
            if {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%} is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Invalid ID"
            if arg 4 is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Please specify an number"
                send "/keyAdmin /keyAdmin give %arg 3% %arg 4% <Amount>"
            if arg 4 parsed as number is not greater than 0:
                send "{@PREFIX} Invalid number: %arg 4% MAX: {@KEY_LIMIT}"
            if arg 4 parsed as a number is greater than {@KEY_LIMIT}:
                send "{@PREFIX} Invalid number: %arg 4% MAX: {@KEY_LIMIT}"
            add arg 4 parsed as a number to {keyBP::p::%{_player}%::Inv::%{_ID}%}
            if {keybp::p::%{_player}%::Inv::%{_ID}%} > {@KEY_LIMIT}:
                set {keybp::p::%{_player}%::Inv::%{_ID}%} to {@KEY_LIMIT}
            send "{@PREFIX} Added %arg 4% Keys (ID: %{_ID}%) to %{_player}%"
            send "{@PREFIX} {@MESSAGE_PLAYER_GET_1} %arg 4% {@MESSAGE_PLAYER_GET_2}" to {_player}

        if arg 1 is "take":
            set {_player} to arg 2 parsed as a player
            if {_player} is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Player not found!"
                send "{@PREFIX} /keyAdmin take <player> <Key ID> <Amount>"
            if arg 3 is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Please specify an ID"
                send "/keyAdmin /keyAdmin take %arg 3% <Key ID> <Amount>"
            set {_ID} to arg 3 parsed as a number
            if {keyBP::k::%{_ID}%} is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Invalid ID"
            if arg 4 is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Please specify an number"
                send "/keyAdmin /keyAdmin take %arg 3% %arg 4% <Amount>"
            if arg 4 parsed as number is not greater than 0:
                send "{@PREFIX} Invalid number: %arg 4% MAX: {@KEY_LIMIT}"
            if arg 4 parsed as a number is greater than {@KEY_LIMIT}:
                send "{@PREFIX} Invalid number: %arg 4% MAX: {@KEY_LIMIT}"
            subtract arg 4 parsed as a number from {keybp::p::%{_player}%::Inv::%{_ID}%}
            if {keybp::p::%{_player}%::Inv::%{_ID}%} < 0:
                set {keybp::p::%{_player}%::Inv::%{_ID}%} to 0
            send "{@PREFIX} Removed (at most) %arg 4% keys from %{_player}%"
            send "{@PREFIX} {@MESSAGE_PLAYER_TAKE}" to {_player}
        if arg 1 is "clear":
            set {_player} to arg 2 parsed as a player
            if {_player} is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Player not found!"
                send "{@PREFIX} /keyAdmin clear <player>"
            clear {keyBP::p::%{_player}%::Inv::*}
            send "{@PREFIX} %{_player}%'s Keys have been cleared"
            send "{@PREFIX} {@MESSAGE_PLAYER_CLEAR}" to {_player}
        if arg 1 is "peek":
            set {_player} to arg 2 parsed as a offline player
            if {_player} is not set:
                send "{@PREFIX} Player not found!"
                send "{@PREFIX} /keyAdmin peek <player>"
            send "{@PREFIX} %{_player}x%%'s keys"
            loop {keyBP::p::%{_player}%::Inv::*}:
                send "ID: %loop-index% | Amount: %loop-value%"
        #No argument is given
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "-------{@PREFIX}-------"
            send "Global Commands"
            send "-----------------------"
            send "Create: create a new key"
            send "Edit: edit an existing key"
            send "Delete: delete an existing key"
            send "List: list all keys"
            send "Info: list the info of 1 key"
            send "-----------------------"
            send "Player specific commands"
            send "-----------------------"
            send "Give give a key to a player"
            send "Take: remove a key from a player"
            send "Clear: clear all keys from a player"
            send "Peek: see what keys a player has"
        #Invaild Argument
        send "{@PREFIX} Invalid Command"

on rightclick:
    if held item is a {@CHEST_TYPE}:
        if line 2 of the lore of held item is "{@CHEST_LORE_2}":
            if line 1 of the lore of held item is "{@CHEST_LORE_1}":
                cancel event
                keyBPPlayerList(player, 1)
on drop:
    if {@CHEST_CAN_DROP} is false:
        if line 2 of the lore of held item is "{@CHEST_LORE_2}":
            if line 1 of the lore of held item is "{@CHEST_LORE_1}":
                cancel event
on join:
    set {keyBP::p::%player%} to uuid of player