Solved Crash minecraft on execute command.

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Feb 19, 2017
I'm doing a script on applications for the Helper and Builder ranges, when I was testing the command I was crashed by the minecraft and I do not know why.
    #true = postulacion abierta | false = postulacion cerrada
    helper: true
    builder: false 
    admin: false

on command "postulacion":
    cancel event
    sender = player
    open chest with 3 rows named "&aPostulaciones." to player
    set {_n} to 0
    loop 27 times:
        format a gui slot {_n} of player with air to do nothing
        add 1 to {_n}
    set {_helper.value} to "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjdlMTFkYjhmMzkyNzI3YTFjNDU5ZWI1OTFkZDhhMGFhMzg2MWMyNzQ4N2UxMzg0YmIyMmY5MTU3M2JlNyJ9fX0="
    set {_helper} to skull from skin with value {_helper.value} signature "" named "&9[HELPER]"
    if {@helper} = true:
        set line 2 of lore of {_helper} to "&7Estado: &aPostulaciones abiertas."
    else if {@helper} = false:
        set line 2 of lore of {_helper} to "&7Estado: &cPostulaciones cerradas."
    set line 4 of lore of {_helper} to "&7¿Quieres ser parte del equipo del staff?"
    set line 5 of lore of {_helper} to "&7Dale click para mirar los requisitos."
    format a gui slot 11 of player with {_helper} to close:
        if {@helper} = true:
            send " "
            send "&eLos requisitos para ser HELPER son:"
            send " "
            send "&e[1] Tener 15 o más años de edad."
            send "&6Pedimos esto por el motivo de que a esa edad, las personas ya empiezan a cambiar su mentalidad en lo que madurez se refiere. Ya empiezas a aceptar tus errores y a tomarte las cosas mas en serio."
            send "&e[2] Tener conocimiento sobre comandos."
            send "&6No hay que darle muchas vueltas a esto. Solo te pedimos los principales conocimientos sobre los comandos de staff."
            send "&e[3] No haber tenido ninguna sanción."
            send "&6De referencia al primer punto[1], no tener ninguna sanción ni haber hecho un mal rato a un jugador es signo de que ya te tomas las cosas mas en serio y respetas las reglas del servidor."
            send "&e[4] Rankeado."
            send "&6Debes haber hecho prestigio por lo menos una vez. Lo que equivale al prestigio &8&l[CARBON-I]&6."
        else if {@helper} = false:
            send "&c¡Las postulaciones no están abiertas!"
    set {_builder.value} to "c7a2c18ffa4d3f4216b2414179ecd88ae79e6b1e0e89c7bf25dd35994f7b96"
    set {_builder} to skull from skin with value {_builder} signature "" named "&3[BUILDER]"
    if {@builder} = true:
        set line 2 of lore of {_builder} to "&7Estado: &aPostulaciones abiertas."
    else if {@builder} = false:
        set line 2 of lore of {_builder} to "&7Estado: &cPostulaciones cerradas."
    set line 4 of lore of {_builder} to "&7¿Quieres ser parte del equipo de construcción?"
    set line 5 of lore of {_builder} to "&7Dale click para mirar los requisitos."
    format a gui slot 13 of player with {_builder} to close:
        if {@builder} = true:
            send " "
            send "&eLos requisitos para pertencer al equipo de construcción son:"
            send " "
            send "&e[1] Comandos."
            send "&6Saberse la función de la gran mayoria de los comandos del WorldEdit."
            send " "
            send "&e[2] Tener 15 o más años de edad."
            send "&6Pedimos esto por el motivo de que a esa edad, las personas ya empiezan a cambiar su mentalidad en lo que madurez se refiere. Ya empiezas a aceptar tus errores y a tomarte las cosas mas en serio."
            send " "
            send "&e[3] Experiencia."
            send "&6Debiste de haber trabajado en otro servidor como constructor."
            send " "
            send "&e[4] Rankeado."
            send "&6Debes haber hecho prestigio por lo menos una vez. Lo que equivale al prestigio &8&l[CARBON-I]&6."
        else if {@builder} = false:
            send "&c¡Las postulaciones no están abiertas!"


Your problem is that minecraft or your client can't handle that many actions.
Just slower the progress.

Maybe this will help you:

command /test:
        wait 3 ticks

Just enter ''Wait 3 ticks'' or ''Wait 1 second''.
This wil slower the actions.
I think this has to do with formatting the gui with the second skull. The error said renderitem so I am assuming it is that. Notice how the first skull is in the gui but the second one is not and immediately crashes.
set {_builder.value} to "c7a2c18ffa4d3f4216b2414179ecd88ae79e6b1e0e89c7bf25dd35994f7b96"
set {_builder} to skull from skin with value {_builder} signature "" named "&3[BUILDER]"

You probably meant to put "value {_builder.value}" not "value {_builder}"

Result should be this:
set {_builder} to skull from skin with value {_builder.value} signature "" named "&3[BUILDER]"
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I think this has to do with formatting the gui with the second skull. The error said renderitem so I am assuming it is that. Notice how the first skull is in the gui but the second one is not and immediately crashes.
set {_builder.value} to "c7a2c18ffa4d3f4216b2414179ecd88ae79e6b1e0e89c7bf25dd35994f7b96"
set {_builder} to skull from skin with value {_builder} signature "" named "&3[BUILDER]"

You probably meant to put "value {_builder.value}" not "value {_builder}"

Result should be this:
set {_builder} to skull from skin with value {_builder.value} signature "" named "&3[BUILDER]"
Thanks bro.
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