could someone fix this skript please?

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Mar 26, 2021
command /wand:
------player has permission "skript.Wand"
------give blaze rod named "&c&lWand" with lore "&kL<reset>" to player

on right click:
--if name of item is "&c&lWand":
----if {%player%.spellselected} isn't set:
------set {%player%.spellselected} to "fireball"
------send action bar "&aSpell: &afireball" to player
----else if {%player%.spellselected} is "fireball":
------set {%player%.spellselected} to "thunderbolt"
------send action bar "&aSpell: &bthunderbolt" to player
----else if {%player%.spellselected} is "thunderbolt":
------set {%player%.spellselected} to "spark"
------send action bar "&aSpell: &5spark" to player
----else if {%player%.spellselected} is "spark":
------set {%player%.spellselected} to "heal"
------send action bar "&aSpell: &2heal" to player
----else if {%player%.spellselected} is "heal":
------set {%player%.spellselected} to "leap"
------send action bar "&aSpell: &1leap" to player
----else if {%player%.spellselected} is "leap":
------set {%player%.spellselected} to "fireball"
------send action bar "&aSpell: &afireball" to player

on left click:
--if name of item is "&c&lWand":
----cancel event
----if {%player%.spellcooldown} isn't set:
------if {%player%.spellselected} is "fireball":
--------set {%player%.spellcooldown} to 0
--------spawn fireball at location 1 meter above and 2 meters in front of player
--------add "{ExplosionPower:2}" to nbt of last spawned entity
--------push last spawned entity in direction of player with force 5
------else if {%player%.spellselected} is "thunderbolt":
--------if target of player is an entity:
----------set {%player%.spellcooldown} to 0
----------strike lightning at target entity
----------drawDot count 5, particle "cloud", XYZ 0, 0, 0, center {_loc}, visibleRange 32, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 10 ticks
------else if {%player%.spellselected} is "spark":
--------if target of player is an entity:
----------set {%player%.spellcooldown} to 0
----------damage target by 2
----------set {_loc} to the location 1 meter above target
----------drawSphere style 2, particle "redstone", speed 10, RGB 235, 52, 52, center {_loc}, id "%player%.sphere", rainbowMode false, radius 1, density 5, visibleRange 32, pulseDelay 0
----------drawSphere style 2, particle "redstone", speed 10, RGB 255, 0, 153, center {_loc}, id "%player%.sphere2", rainbowMode false, radius 1, density 5, visibleRange 32, pulseDelay 0
----------drawSphere style 2, particle "redstone", speed 10, RGB 255, 0, 200, center {_loc}, id "%player%.sphere3", rainbowMode false, radius 1, density 5, visibleRange 32, pulseDelay 0
----------wait 0.5 seconds
----------stopEffect "%player%.sphere"
----------stopEffect "%player%.sphere2"
----------stopEffect "%player%.sphere3"
------else if {%player%.spellselected} is "heal":
--------set {%player%.spellcooldown} to 0
--------add 3 to player's health
--------set {_loc} to the location 1 meter above player
--------drawSphere style 2, particle "heart", speed 10, RGB 235, 52, 52, center {_loc}, id "%player%.sphere", rainbowMode false, radius 1, density 5, visibleRange 32, pulseDelay 0
--------wait 0.5 seconds
--------stopEffect "%player%.sphere"

function SpellCooldown(p: player):
--send action bar "&7⬛⬛⬛" to {_p}
--wait 1 seconds
--send action bar "&2⬛&7⬛⬛" to {_p}
--wait 1 second
--send action bar "&2⬛⬛&7⬛" to {_p}
--wait 1 second
--send action bar "&a⬛⬛⬛" to {_p}
--delete {%{_p}%.spellcooldown}
--wait 1 second
--send action bar "" to {_p}

command sendhelp:
------set {%player%.spellselected} to "fireball"
--------send "help arrived!"
[doublepost=1620735532,1620735498][/doublepost]nothing seems to work even the commands dont work
Last edited:
You need to space things out (Imagine the -'s are spaces)

command /wand:
--player has permission "skript.Wand"
--give blaze rod named "&c&lWand" with lore "&kL<reset>" to player