Could anyone help with a custom sharpness

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Aug 20, 2024
Catagory:Skript misc
Skript version: 2.9.1
what i want:
So i was looking for a skript that will give me a sharpness 10 sword I've tried to when i execute a command it executes the command to give me a sharp 10 sword I'm using essentials heads up I'm using skbee and skript so i was wondering if there was just any way to get a higher sharpness, No need for a spoon feed some good help will be nice though..
You could just use commands with skript like this.

command /sharpnesstensword:
    permission: op
        execute console command "/give @p diamond_sword{Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:10}]}"

Hope this helps!
Code is not tested.
Should be
command /givesword:
    permission: op
        give player diamond sword of sharpness 10
Hey, i had tested this and it works for me.
command /sword:
set {_sword} to diamond sword
set {_enchant} to sharpness 10
enchant {_sword} with {_enchant}
give player {_sword}
Hey, i had tested this and it works for me.
command /sword:
set {_sword} to diamond sword
set {_enchant} to sharpness 10
enchant {_sword} with {_enchant}
give player {_sword}
I'm pretty sure this is just an overcomplicated version of what Luke sent.