Solved Cooldown issues

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Oct 10, 2021
on left click:
  player is holding a blaze rod named "<gray>Necromancer Staff":
    {wand.effect.%player%} is 1:
      if {cooldown.%player%} is true:
              message "&6you have to wait"
              cancel event
          if {cooldown.%player%} isn't set:
              set {cooldown.%player%} to false
          if {cooldown.%player%} is false:
              set {cooldown.%player%} to true
        loop 4 times:
          spawn zombie at player
          set the weapon of last spawned entity to iron sword
          set the name of last spawned entity to "<black>Undead Captain"
          set last spawned entity's max health to 30
              wait 1 minute
              set {cooldown.%player%} to false

I am making a necromancer staff but I have issues with the cooldown
on left click:
  player is holding a blaze rod named "<gray>Necromancer Staff":
    {wand.effect.%player%} is 1:
      if {cooldown.%player%} is true:
              message "&6you have to wait"
              cancel event
          if {cooldown.%player%} isn't set:
              set {cooldown.%player%} to false
          if {cooldown.%player%} is false:
              set {cooldown.%player%} to true
        loop 4 times:
          spawn zombie at player
          set the weapon of last spawned entity to iron sword
          set the name of last spawned entity to "<black>Undead Captain"
          set last spawned entity's max health to 30
              wait 1 minute
              set {cooldown.%player%} to false

I am making a necromancer staff but I have issues with the cooldown
on left click with blaze rod:
    name of tool is "<gray>Necromancer Staff"
    {wand.effect.%player%} is 1:
        if unix date of ((metadata tag "cooldown" of player) ? 0) wasn't less than 1 minute ago:
            set metadata tag "cooldown" of player to unix timestamp of now
            loop 4 times:
                spawn zombie at player
                set tool of last spawned zombie to iron sword
                set display name of last spawened zombie to "<black>Undead Captain"
                set max health of last spawned zombie to 30
                heal last spawned zombie
            send "Cooldown message!"
try that (also try to change your variables to list variables)