Converting Skript

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Jul 2, 2017
Many Server developers who are making their own networks have used Skript and made their servers with skript some of them (like me) want to convert their work into 100% java.

If there would be an external program/addon that would convert these .sk files into .jars, or into 1 .jar, it would be awesome.

I don't know if this is possible or not, but if it is then that would be awesome!

(So we don't waste like 2 months trying to rewrite our whole servers to java)
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Many Server developers who are making their own networks have used Skript and made their servers with skript some of them (like me) want to convert their work into 100% java.

I don't know if this is possible or not, but if it is then that would be awesome!

(So we don't waste like 2 months trying to rewrite our whole servers to java)

If there would be an external program/addon that would convert these .sk files into .jars, or into 1 .jar, it would be awesome.
Just coding it. Hire a java deplover. that converter skript to java.
There is a program but it's really not worth it at all. Converting them to .jar just means you lose your editing ability and most things don't work anyway. I'm assuming you want to lie to your players and act as if you know java, as there isn't really any other reason for converting skript to jar. If you want your players to see & think you made your server in java, make it in Java.
@ThinkingAboutIt I don't want my players to know what I code with. I just want a normal server, and why i'm doing this, is because Skript has many limitations, and Slows down the start up process (at least for me), there are also other small things that I want etc..

Could you tell me the program name so I could at least give it a try?

Converting them Will lose the ability to edit it?
The dev of this program could have also added the SRC feature, so it also makes the SRC file :emoji_grinning:
but ye still give me the program name so i could try it out. Please
If you converting, will it load too long same as skript. Its just only how Efficiency are you... Maybe split the file, so it load faster. If you want load more faster. then learn java...

You should be happy, that there a easy way to "Programming" a Minecraft "plugins"...
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Yes thank you for the idea!

I will try to split the scripts up :O :emoji_slight_smile:

Converting to jar will potentially make it slower or just the same, not faster. For more efficient scripts:

Use list variables
Don't use variables if you don't need to
Split them up into smaller scripts
Don't use "every second" events.