Converting Luckperms hex codes to Skript hex codes

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Aug 4, 2024
Hi, I'm making a per world chat system for my server but when I tried to do send formatted it only did color codes, not hex. I realised that Skript uses a different way of recognising hex codes so I need a way to convert &# to <## and add > 6 letters after, so I could convert things such as &#0000FF to <##0000ff>

My code:
on join:
    while player is online:
        set {rank::%player's uuid%} to placeholder "luckperms_prefix" # Addon called Ersatz to get placeholders out of skript

on chat:
    cancel event
    loop all players:
        if loop-player's world is player's world:
            send formatted "%{rank::%player's uuid%}%%player%&6: %message%" to loop-player
Hi, I'm making a per world chat system for my server but when I tried to do send formatted it only did color codes, not hex. I realised that Skript uses a different way of recognising hex codes so I need a way to convert &# to <## and add > 6 letters after, so I could convert things such as &#0000FF to <##0000ff>

My code:
on join:
    while player is online:
        set {rank::%player's uuid%} to placeholder "luckperms_prefix" # Addon called Ersatz to get placeholders out of skript

on chat:
    cancel event
    loop all players:
        if loop-player's world is player's world:
            send formatted "%{rank::%player's uuid%}%%player%&6: %message%" to loop-player
Why can't you just do this manually?