Solved Convert %nl% and Colour codes

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Aug 18, 2023
I want to make a ban script, where the player can enter a reason for the ban but colour codes and %nl% and other things aren't working. If I enter "&c&lYou are banned because of%nl%&cSpam%nl%&cHacking" in the command then the message the player gets looks like this:

Do you know any way to convert the text?
The essential code:

set {banreason::%uuid of arg-1%} to arg-3
kick player due to "%{prefix}%%nl%%{banreason::%uuid of player%}%"
I want to make a ban script, where the player can enter a reason for the ban but colour codes and %nl% and other things aren't working. If I enter "&c&lYou are banned because of%nl%&cSpam%nl%&cHacking" in the command then the message the player gets looks like this: View attachment 8408
Do you know any way to convert the text?
The essential code:

set {banreason::%uuid of arg-1%} to arg-3
kick player due to "%{prefix}%%nl%%{banreason::%uuid of player%}%"
So you're trying to use a variable through in-game commands? It siimply does not work.
But there alre alternative plugins for the use of color codes on chats but while you're working with Skript, the Skript itself does not support in-game variables nor commands. I may suggest that you will seek for custom Addons for this specific case.