Console error whenever I reload one of my scripts

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Apr 22, 2017
Whenever I reload my 'kits script' I get an error in the console.. which seems troubling..
The error:
18.06 21:41:56 [Server] ERROR ------------------------------
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR The server has not responded for 20 seconds! Creating thread dump
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ------------------------------
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR Server thread dump (Look for plugins here before reporting to Paper!):
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ------------------------------
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR Current Thread: Server thread
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR PID: 18 | Suspended: false | Native: false | State: RUNNABLE
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR Stack:
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parse_i(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parse_i(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parse_i(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parse(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parse(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parseSingleExpr(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parseExpression(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parse_i(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parse_i(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parse_i(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parse_i(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parse(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parse(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.Statement.parse(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.loadItems(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerSection.<init>(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.Conditional$1.<init>(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.Conditional.loadElseClause(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.loadItems(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerSection.<init>(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.Conditional$1.<init>(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.Conditional.loadElseClause(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.loadItems(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerSection.<init>(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.Conditional.<init>(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.Conditional.loadElseIf(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.Conditional.loadElseIf(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.Conditional.loadElseIf(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.loadItems(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.command.Commands.loadCommand(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.loadScript(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.lambda$1(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader$$Lambda$136/ Source)
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.loadScripts(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.loadScripts(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.SkriptCommand.onCommand(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnection.handleCommand(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnection.a(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils.lambda$ensureMainThread$0(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils$$Lambda$214/ Source)
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR java.util.concurrent.Executors$
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:46)
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.D(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.DedicatedServer.D(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.C(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR

Any idea what could be causing this?
Whenever I reload my 'kits script' I get an error in the console.. which seems troubling..
The error:
18.06 21:41:56 [Server] ERROR ------------------------------
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR The server has not responded for 20 seconds! Creating thread dump
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ------------------------------
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR Server thread dump (Look for plugins here before reporting to Paper!):
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ------------------------------
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR Current Thread: Server thread
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR PID: 18 | Suspended: false | Native: false | State: RUNNABLE
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR Stack:
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parse_i(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parse_i(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parse_i(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parse(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parse(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parseSingleExpr(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parseExpression(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parse_i(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parse_i(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parse_i(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parse_i(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parse(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parse(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.Statement.parse(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.loadItems(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerSection.<init>(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.Conditional$1.<init>(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.Conditional.loadElseClause(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.loadItems(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerSection.<init>(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.Conditional$1.<init>(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.Conditional.loadElseClause(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.loadItems(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerSection.<init>(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.Conditional.<init>(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.Conditional.loadElseIf(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.Conditional.loadElseIf(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.lang.Conditional.loadElseIf(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.loadItems(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.command.Commands.loadCommand(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.loadScript(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.lambda$1(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader$$Lambda$136/ Source)
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.loadScripts(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.loadScripts(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR ch.njol.skript.SkriptCommand.onCommand(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnection.handleCommand(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnection.a(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils.lambda$ensureMainThread$0(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils$$Lambda$214/ Source)
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR java.util.concurrent.Executors$
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:46)
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.D(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.DedicatedServer.D(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.C(
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR
18.06 21:42:01 [Server] ERROR

Any idea what could be causing this?
You should send your Skript version and your code.
You should send your Skript version and your code.
Skript version: Skript v2.3.6

on load:
    load yaml "plugins/sKits/dailyCooldown.yaml" as "dailyCooldown"
    load yaml "plugins/sKits/weeklyCooldown.yaml" as "weeklyCooldown"
    load yaml "plugins/sKits/monthlyCooldown.yaml" as "monthlyCooldown"
    load yaml "plugins/sKits/potsCooldown.yaml" as "potsCooldown"
    load yaml "plugins/sKits/buildCooldown.yaml" as "buildCooldown"
    send "&a[sKits] Loaded sucessfully!" to console
on script unload:
    unload yaml "dailyCooldown"
    unload yaml "weeklyCooldown"
    unload yaml "monthlyCooldown"
    unload yaml "potsCooldown"
    unload yaml "buildCooldown"
on join:
    set {_name} to yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "dailyCooldown"
    if {_name} is not set:
        set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "dailyCooldown" to 24 hours
        set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "weeklyCooldown" to 168 hours
        set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "monthlyCooldown" to 720 hours
        set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "potsCooldown" to 24 hours
        set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "buildCooldown" to 0
        save yaml "dailyCooldown"
        save yaml "weeklyCooldown"
        save yaml "monthlyCooldown"
        save yaml "potsCooldown"
        save yaml "buildCooldown"

command /kits [<text>]:
    aliases: kit
        if arg-1 is not set:
            open virtual chest with 6 rows named "Kits" to player
            set {_num} to 0
            loop 10 times:
                make gui slot {_num} of player with red stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
                add 1 to {_num}
            make gui slot 18 of player with red stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
            make gui slot 27 of player with red stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
            make gui slot 36 of player with red stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
            set {_num} to 44
            loop 4 times:
                make gui slot {_num} of player with red stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
                add 1 to {_num}
            make gui slot 48 of player with paper named "&a&lDonator kits" with lore " " and "&fKits for VIP members" and "&fPurchase a rank" and "" to close then run player command "/kits special"
            make gui slot 49 of player with barrier named "&cExit" to close
            make gui slot 50 of player with paper named "&a&lSpecial kits" with lore " " and "&fLimited edition kits" and "&fUnlock from crates or" and "" to close then run player command "/kits special"
            make gui slot 51 of player with red stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
            make gui slot 52 of player with red stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
            make gui slot 53 of player with red stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
            make gui slot 17 of player with red stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
            make gui slot 26 of player with red stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
            make gui slot 35 of player with red stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
            set {_daily} to yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "dailyCooldown"
            set {_wait} to difference between {_daily} and now
            if {_wait} is less than 24 hours:
                make gui slot 20 of player with a bottle without any NBT named "&e&lDaily" with lore "&fCooldown: &c%difference between 24 hours and {_wait}%" and "&fStatus: &c&lLocked!" and " " and "&7Right-click to preview!" to run player command "/kitpreview daily" using right mouse button
                make gui slot 20 of player with a Healing Potion to close then run player command "/kit daily" using left mouse button
                make gui slot 20 of player with a Healing Potion without any NBT named "&e&lDaily" with lore "&fCooldown: Claim now!" and "&fStatus: &a&lUnlocked!" and " " and "&7Left-click to claim!" and "&7Right-click to preview!" to run player command "/kitpreview daily" using right mouse button
            set {_weekly} to yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "weeklyCooldown"
            set {_waitedweekly} to difference between {_weekly} and now
            if {_waitedweekly} is less than 168 hours:
                make gui slot 21 of player with a bottle without any NBT named "&e&lWeekly" with lore "&fCooldown: &c%difference between 168 hours and {_waitedweekly}%" and "&fStatus: &c&lLocked!" and " " and "&7Right-click to preview!" to run player command "/kitpreview weekly" using right mouse button
                make gui slot 21 of player with a Healing Potion to close then run player command "/kit weekly" using left mouse button
                make gui slot 21 of player with a Healing Potion without any NBT named "&e&lWeekly" with lore "&fCooldown: Claim now!" and "&fStatus: &a&lUnlocked!" and " " and "&7Left-click to claim!" and "&7Right-click to preview!" to run player command "/kitpreview weekly" using right mouse button
            set {_monthly} to yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "monthlyCooldown"
            set {_waitedmonthly} to difference between {_monthly} and now
            if {_waitedmonthly} is less than 720 hours:
                make gui slot 22 of player with a bottle without any NBT named "&e&lMonthly" with lore "&fCooldown: &c%difference between 720 hours and {_waitedmonthly}%" and "&fStatus: &c&lLocked!" and " " and "&7Right-click to preview!" to run player command "/kitpreview Monthly" using right mouse button
                make gui slot 22 of player with a Healing Potion to close then run player command "/kit monthly" using left mouse button
                make gui slot 22 of player with a Healing Potion without any NBT named "&e&lMonthly" with lore "&fCooldown: Claim now!" and "&fStatus: &a&lUnlocked!" and " " and "&7Left-click to claim!" and "&7Right-click to preview!" to run player command "/kitpreview Monthly" using right mouse button
            set {_pots} to yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "monthlyCooldown"
            set {_waitpots} to difference between {_pots} and now
            if {_waitpots} is less than 24 hours:
                make gui slot 23 of player with a bottle without any NBT named "&e&lPots" with lore "&fCooldown: &c%difference between 24 hours and {_waitpots}%" and "&fStatus: &c&lLocked!" and " " and "&7Right-click to preview!" to run player command "/kitpreview pots" using right mouse button
                make gui slot 23 of player with a Healing Potion to close then run player command "/kit pots" using left mouse button
                make gui slot 23 of player with a Healing Potion without any NBT named "&e&lPots" with lore "&fCooldown: Claim now!" and "&fStatus: &a&lUnlocked!" and " " and "&7Left-click to claim!" and "&7Right-click to preview!" to run player command "/kitpreview pots" using right mouse button
            set {_build} to yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "buildCooldown" 
            if {_build} is 1:
                make gui slot 24 of player with a bottle without any NBT named "&e&lBuild" with lore "&fCooldown: &cForever!" and "&fStatus: &c&lLocked!" and " " and "&7Right-click to preview!" to run player command "/kitpreview build" using right mouse button
                make gui slot 24 of player with a Healing Potion to close then run player command "/kit build" using left mouse button
                make gui slot 24 of player with a Healing Potion without any NBT named "&e&lBuild" with lore "&fCooldown: Claim now! (Onetime use)" and "&fStatus: &a&lUnlocked!" and " " and "&7Left-click to claim!" and "&7Right-click to preview!" to run player command "/kitpreview build" using right mouse button
        else if arg-1 is "Daily":
            set {_daily} to yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "dailyCooldown"
            set {_waited} to difference between {_daily} and now
            if {_waited} is less than 24 hours:
                send "you must wait %difference between 24 hours and {_waited}%"
                send "&3timisfit &f>>> Redeemed kit weekly! If you don't have enough space in you're inventory, the items will be dropped onto the ground!"
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give an iron sword of sharpness 1 and looting 1 named "&eDaily" to player
                    drop an iron sword of sharpness 1 and looting 1 named "&eDaily" at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give an iron pickaxe of efficiency 1 and unbreaking 1 named "&eDaily"  to player
                    drop an iron pickaxe of sharpness 1 and looting 1 named "&eDaily" at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give an iron axe of efficiency 1 and unbreaking 1 named "&eDaily" to player
                    drop an iron axe of sharpness 1 and looting 1 named "&eDaily"  at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give an iron shovel of efficiency 1 and unbreaking 1 named "&eDaily"  to player   
                    drop an iron shovel of sharpness 1 and looting 1 named "&eDaily"  at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 8 porkchops to player 
                    drop 8 porkchops at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 12 grass blocks to player   
                    drop 12 grass blocks at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 1 iron block to player   
                    drop 1 iron block at location of player                         
                set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "dailyCooldown" to now
                save yaml "dailyCooldown"
        else if arg-1 is "Weekly":
            set {_weekly} to yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "weeklyCooldown"
            set {_waited} to difference between {_weekly} and now
            if {_waited} is less than 168 hours:
                send "you must wait %difference between 168 hours and {_waited}%"
                send "&3timisfit &f>>> Redeemed kit weekly! If you don't have enough space in you're inventory, the items will be dropped onto the ground!"
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 24 grass blocks to player
                    drop 24 grass blocks at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 16 melon seeds to player
                    drop 16 melon seeds at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 5 gold blocks to player
                    drop 5 gold blocks at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 48 redstone to player   
                    drop 48 redstone at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 cobblestone to player 
                    drop 64 cobblestone at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 32 cobblestone to player   
                    drop 32 cobblestone at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 32 sand to player   
                    drop 32 sand at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 32 cactus to player   
                    drop 32 cactus at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give a oak sapling to player   
                    drop a oak sapling at location of player 
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 oak log to player   
                    drop 64 oak log at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 16 bread to player
                    drop 16 bread at location of player
                set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "weeklyCooldown" to now
                save yaml "weeklyCooldown"
        else if arg-1 is "Monthly":
            set {_monthly} to yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "monthlyCooldown"
            set {_waited} to difference between {_monthly} and now
            if {_waited} is less than 720 hours:
                send "you must wait %difference between 720 hours and {_waited}%"
                send "&3timisfit &f>>> Redeemed kit monthly! If you don't have enough space in you're inventory, the items will be dropped onto the ground!"
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give a diamond pickaxe of efficiency 4 and unbreaking 3 and fortune 3 named "&r&eMonthly" to player
                    drop a diamond pickaxe of efficiency 4 and unbreaking 3 and fortune 3 named "&r&eMonthly" at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give a diamond sword of sharpness 4 and looting 2 and fire aspect 2 named "&r&eMonthly" to player
                    drop a diamond sword of sharpness 4 and looting 2 and fire aspect 2 named "&r&eMonthly" at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 1 diamond helmet of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&r&eMonthly" to player
                    drop 1 diamond helmet of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&r&eMonthly" at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 1 diamond chestpiece of protection 3 and unbreaking 3 named "&r&eMonthly" to player   
                    drop 1 diamond chestpiece of protection 3 and unbreaking 3 named "&r&eMonthly" at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 1 diamond leggings of protection 3 and unbreaking 3 named "&r&eMonthly" to player 
                    drop 1 diamond leggings of protection 3 and unbreaking 3 named "&r&eMonthly" at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 1 diamond boots of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&r&eMonthly" to player   
                    drop 1 diamond boots of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&r&eMonthly" at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 cooked beef to player   
                    drop 64 cooked beef at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 oak log to player   
                    drop 64 oak log at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 stone to player   
                    drop 64 stone at location of player 
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 stone to player   
                    drop 64 stone at location of player 
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 stone to player   
                    drop 64 stone at location of player 
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 sand to player   
                    drop 64 sand at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 sand to player   
                    drop 64 sand at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 cactus to player   
                    drop 64 cactus at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 cactus to player   
                    drop 64 cactus at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 grass blocks to player
                    drop 64 grass blocks at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 32 gold blocks to player
                    drop 32 gold blocks at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 16 diamond blocks to player
                    drop 16 diamond blocks at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 4 emerald blocks to player
                    drop 4 emerald blocks at location of player
                set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "monthlyCooldown" to now
                save yaml "monthlyCooldown"
        else if arg-1 is "Build":
            set {_build} to yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "buildCooldown"
            if {_build} is 0:
                send "&3timisfit &f>>> Redeemed kit weekly! If you don't have enough space in you're inventory, the items will be dropped onto the ground!"
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 oak log to player   
                    drop 64 oak log at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 birch log to player   
                    drop 64 birch log at location of player 
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 spruce log to player   
                    drop 64 spruce log at location of player 
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 glass to player   
                    drop 64 glass at location of player 
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 grass to player   
                    drop 64 grass at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 brick blocks to player   
                    drop 64 brick blocks at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 ladder item to player   
                    drop 64 ladder item at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 quartz blocks to player   
                    drop 64 quartz blocks at location of player
                set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "buildCooldown" to 1
                save yaml "buildCooldown"
                send "&3timisfit &f>>> This kit can only be used once."
        else if arg-1 is "pots":
            set {_pots} to yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "potsCooldown"
            set {_waited} to difference between {_pots} and now
            if {_waited} is less than 24 hours:
                send "you must wait %difference between 24 hours and {_waited}%"
                set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "potsCooldown" to now
                save yaml "potsCooldown"
            execute player command "/kits"

command /resetkits [<player>]:
        if player has permission "sky.admin":
            if arg-1 is set:
                if arg-1 is online:
                    set yaml value "cooldown.%arg-1's uuid%" from "dailyCooldown" to 24 hours
                    set yaml value "cooldown.%arg-1's uuid%" from "weeklyCooldown" to 168 hours
                    set yaml value "cooldown.%arg-1's uuid%" from "buildCooldown" to 0
                    set yaml value "cooldown.%arg-1's uuid%" from "monthlyCooldown" to 720 hours
                    set yaml value "cooldown.%arg-1's uuid%" from "potsCooldown" to 24 hours
                    save yaml "dailyCooldown"
                    save yaml "weeklyCooldown"
                    save yaml "buildCooldown"
                    save yaml "monthlyCooldown"
                    save yaml "potsCooldown"
                    send "&aKit timers reset for %arg-1%"
                    send "&c/resetkits [ONLINE player]"
                set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "dailyCooldown" to 24 hours
                set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "weeklyCooldown" to 168 hours
                set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "buildCooldown" to 0
                set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "monthlyCooldown" to 720 hours
                set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "potsCooldown" to 24 hours
                save yaml "dailyCooldown"
                save yaml "weeklyCooldown"
                save yaml "buildCooldown"
                save yaml "monthlyCooldown"
                save yaml "potsCooldown"
                send "&aKit timers reset for %player%"
            send "&3timisfit &f>>> Permission denied."
Skript version: Skript v2.3.6

on load:
    load yaml "plugins/sKits/dailyCooldown.yaml" as "dailyCooldown"
    load yaml "plugins/sKits/weeklyCooldown.yaml" as "weeklyCooldown"
    load yaml "plugins/sKits/monthlyCooldown.yaml" as "monthlyCooldown"
    load yaml "plugins/sKits/potsCooldown.yaml" as "potsCooldown"
    load yaml "plugins/sKits/buildCooldown.yaml" as "buildCooldown"
    send "&a[sKits] Loaded sucessfully!" to console
on script unload:
    unload yaml "dailyCooldown"
    unload yaml "weeklyCooldown"
    unload yaml "monthlyCooldown"
    unload yaml "potsCooldown"
    unload yaml "buildCooldown"
on join:
    set {_name} to yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "dailyCooldown"
    if {_name} is not set:
        set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "dailyCooldown" to 24 hours
        set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "weeklyCooldown" to 168 hours
        set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "monthlyCooldown" to 720 hours
        set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "potsCooldown" to 24 hours
        set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "buildCooldown" to 0
        save yaml "dailyCooldown"
        save yaml "weeklyCooldown"
        save yaml "monthlyCooldown"
        save yaml "potsCooldown"
        save yaml "buildCooldown"

command /kits [<text>]:
    aliases: kit
        if arg-1 is not set:
            open virtual chest with 6 rows named "Kits" to player
            set {_num} to 0
            loop 10 times:
                make gui slot {_num} of player with red stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
                add 1 to {_num}
            make gui slot 18 of player with red stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
            make gui slot 27 of player with red stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
            make gui slot 36 of player with red stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
            set {_num} to 44
            loop 4 times:
                make gui slot {_num} of player with red stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
                add 1 to {_num}
            make gui slot 48 of player with paper named "&a&lDonator kits" with lore " " and "&fKits for VIP members" and "&fPurchase a rank" and "" to close then run player command "/kits special"
            make gui slot 49 of player with barrier named "&cExit" to close
            make gui slot 50 of player with paper named "&a&lSpecial kits" with lore " " and "&fLimited edition kits" and "&fUnlock from crates or" and "" to close then run player command "/kits special"
            make gui slot 51 of player with red stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
            make gui slot 52 of player with red stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
            make gui slot 53 of player with red stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
            make gui slot 17 of player with red stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
            make gui slot 26 of player with red stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
            make gui slot 35 of player with red stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
            set {_daily} to yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "dailyCooldown"
            set {_wait} to difference between {_daily} and now
            if {_wait} is less than 24 hours:
                make gui slot 20 of player with a bottle without any NBT named "&e&lDaily" with lore "&fCooldown: &c%difference between 24 hours and {_wait}%" and "&fStatus: &c&lLocked!" and " " and "&7Right-click to preview!" to run player command "/kitpreview daily" using right mouse button
                make gui slot 20 of player with a Healing Potion to close then run player command "/kit daily" using left mouse button
                make gui slot 20 of player with a Healing Potion without any NBT named "&e&lDaily" with lore "&fCooldown: Claim now!" and "&fStatus: &a&lUnlocked!" and " " and "&7Left-click to claim!" and "&7Right-click to preview!" to run player command "/kitpreview daily" using right mouse button
            set {_weekly} to yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "weeklyCooldown"
            set {_waitedweekly} to difference between {_weekly} and now
            if {_waitedweekly} is less than 168 hours:
                make gui slot 21 of player with a bottle without any NBT named "&e&lWeekly" with lore "&fCooldown: &c%difference between 168 hours and {_waitedweekly}%" and "&fStatus: &c&lLocked!" and " " and "&7Right-click to preview!" to run player command "/kitpreview weekly" using right mouse button
                make gui slot 21 of player with a Healing Potion to close then run player command "/kit weekly" using left mouse button
                make gui slot 21 of player with a Healing Potion without any NBT named "&e&lWeekly" with lore "&fCooldown: Claim now!" and "&fStatus: &a&lUnlocked!" and " " and "&7Left-click to claim!" and "&7Right-click to preview!" to run player command "/kitpreview weekly" using right mouse button
            set {_monthly} to yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "monthlyCooldown"
            set {_waitedmonthly} to difference between {_monthly} and now
            if {_waitedmonthly} is less than 720 hours:
                make gui slot 22 of player with a bottle without any NBT named "&e&lMonthly" with lore "&fCooldown: &c%difference between 720 hours and {_waitedmonthly}%" and "&fStatus: &c&lLocked!" and " " and "&7Right-click to preview!" to run player command "/kitpreview Monthly" using right mouse button
                make gui slot 22 of player with a Healing Potion to close then run player command "/kit monthly" using left mouse button
                make gui slot 22 of player with a Healing Potion without any NBT named "&e&lMonthly" with lore "&fCooldown: Claim now!" and "&fStatus: &a&lUnlocked!" and " " and "&7Left-click to claim!" and "&7Right-click to preview!" to run player command "/kitpreview Monthly" using right mouse button
            set {_pots} to yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "monthlyCooldown"
            set {_waitpots} to difference between {_pots} and now
            if {_waitpots} is less than 24 hours:
                make gui slot 23 of player with a bottle without any NBT named "&e&lPots" with lore "&fCooldown: &c%difference between 24 hours and {_waitpots}%" and "&fStatus: &c&lLocked!" and " " and "&7Right-click to preview!" to run player command "/kitpreview pots" using right mouse button
                make gui slot 23 of player with a Healing Potion to close then run player command "/kit pots" using left mouse button
                make gui slot 23 of player with a Healing Potion without any NBT named "&e&lPots" with lore "&fCooldown: Claim now!" and "&fStatus: &a&lUnlocked!" and " " and "&7Left-click to claim!" and "&7Right-click to preview!" to run player command "/kitpreview pots" using right mouse button
            set {_build} to yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "buildCooldown"
            if {_build} is 1:
                make gui slot 24 of player with a bottle without any NBT named "&e&lBuild" with lore "&fCooldown: &cForever!" and "&fStatus: &c&lLocked!" and " " and "&7Right-click to preview!" to run player command "/kitpreview build" using right mouse button
                make gui slot 24 of player with a Healing Potion to close then run player command "/kit build" using left mouse button
                make gui slot 24 of player with a Healing Potion without any NBT named "&e&lBuild" with lore "&fCooldown: Claim now! (Onetime use)" and "&fStatus: &a&lUnlocked!" and " " and "&7Left-click to claim!" and "&7Right-click to preview!" to run player command "/kitpreview build" using right mouse button
        else if arg-1 is "Daily":
            set {_daily} to yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "dailyCooldown"
            set {_waited} to difference between {_daily} and now
            if {_waited} is less than 24 hours:
                send "you must wait %difference between 24 hours and {_waited}%"
                send "&3timisfit &f>>> Redeemed kit weekly! If you don't have enough space in you're inventory, the items will be dropped onto the ground!"
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give an iron sword of sharpness 1 and looting 1 named "&eDaily" to player
                    drop an iron sword of sharpness 1 and looting 1 named "&eDaily" at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give an iron pickaxe of efficiency 1 and unbreaking 1 named "&eDaily"  to player
                    drop an iron pickaxe of sharpness 1 and looting 1 named "&eDaily" at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give an iron axe of efficiency 1 and unbreaking 1 named "&eDaily" to player
                    drop an iron axe of sharpness 1 and looting 1 named "&eDaily"  at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give an iron shovel of efficiency 1 and unbreaking 1 named "&eDaily"  to player  
                    drop an iron shovel of sharpness 1 and looting 1 named "&eDaily"  at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 8 porkchops to player
                    drop 8 porkchops at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 12 grass blocks to player  
                    drop 12 grass blocks at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 1 iron block to player  
                    drop 1 iron block at location of player                        
                set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "dailyCooldown" to now
                save yaml "dailyCooldown"
        else if arg-1 is "Weekly":
            set {_weekly} to yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "weeklyCooldown"
            set {_waited} to difference between {_weekly} and now
            if {_waited} is less than 168 hours:
                send "you must wait %difference between 168 hours and {_waited}%"
                send "&3timisfit &f>>> Redeemed kit weekly! If you don't have enough space in you're inventory, the items will be dropped onto the ground!"
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 24 grass blocks to player
                    drop 24 grass blocks at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 16 melon seeds to player
                    drop 16 melon seeds at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 5 gold blocks to player
                    drop 5 gold blocks at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 48 redstone to player  
                    drop 48 redstone at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 cobblestone to player
                    drop 64 cobblestone at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 32 cobblestone to player  
                    drop 32 cobblestone at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 32 sand to player  
                    drop 32 sand at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 32 cactus to player  
                    drop 32 cactus at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give a oak sapling to player  
                    drop a oak sapling at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 oak log to player  
                    drop 64 oak log at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 16 bread to player
                    drop 16 bread at location of player
                set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "weeklyCooldown" to now
                save yaml "weeklyCooldown"
        else if arg-1 is "Monthly":
            set {_monthly} to yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "monthlyCooldown"
            set {_waited} to difference between {_monthly} and now
            if {_waited} is less than 720 hours:
                send "you must wait %difference between 720 hours and {_waited}%"
                send "&3timisfit &f>>> Redeemed kit monthly! If you don't have enough space in you're inventory, the items will be dropped onto the ground!"
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give a diamond pickaxe of efficiency 4 and unbreaking 3 and fortune 3 named "&r&eMonthly" to player
                    drop a diamond pickaxe of efficiency 4 and unbreaking 3 and fortune 3 named "&r&eMonthly" at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give a diamond sword of sharpness 4 and looting 2 and fire aspect 2 named "&r&eMonthly" to player
                    drop a diamond sword of sharpness 4 and looting 2 and fire aspect 2 named "&r&eMonthly" at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 1 diamond helmet of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&r&eMonthly" to player
                    drop 1 diamond helmet of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&r&eMonthly" at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 1 diamond chestpiece of protection 3 and unbreaking 3 named "&r&eMonthly" to player  
                    drop 1 diamond chestpiece of protection 3 and unbreaking 3 named "&r&eMonthly" at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 1 diamond leggings of protection 3 and unbreaking 3 named "&r&eMonthly" to player
                    drop 1 diamond leggings of protection 3 and unbreaking 3 named "&r&eMonthly" at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 1 diamond boots of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&r&eMonthly" to player  
                    drop 1 diamond boots of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&r&eMonthly" at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 cooked beef to player  
                    drop 64 cooked beef at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 oak log to player  
                    drop 64 oak log at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 stone to player  
                    drop 64 stone at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 stone to player  
                    drop 64 stone at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 stone to player  
                    drop 64 stone at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 sand to player  
                    drop 64 sand at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 sand to player  
                    drop 64 sand at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 cactus to player  
                    drop 64 cactus at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 cactus to player  
                    drop 64 cactus at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 grass blocks to player
                    drop 64 grass blocks at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 32 gold blocks to player
                    drop 32 gold blocks at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 16 diamond blocks to player
                    drop 16 diamond blocks at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 4 emerald blocks to player
                    drop 4 emerald blocks at location of player
                set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "monthlyCooldown" to now
                save yaml "monthlyCooldown"
        else if arg-1 is "Build":
            set {_build} to yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "buildCooldown"
            if {_build} is 0:
                send "&3timisfit &f>>> Redeemed kit weekly! If you don't have enough space in you're inventory, the items will be dropped onto the ground!"
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 oak log to player  
                    drop 64 oak log at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 birch log to player  
                    drop 64 birch log at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 spruce log to player  
                    drop 64 spruce log at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 glass to player  
                    drop 64 glass at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 grass to player  
                    drop 64 grass at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 brick blocks to player  
                    drop 64 brick blocks at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 ladder item to player  
                    drop 64 ladder item at location of player
                if player has enough space for 1 stone sword:
                    give 64 quartz blocks to player  
                    drop 64 quartz blocks at location of player
                set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "buildCooldown" to 1
                save yaml "buildCooldown"
                send "&3timisfit &f>>> This kit can only be used once."
        else if arg-1 is "pots":
            set {_pots} to yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "potsCooldown"
            set {_waited} to difference between {_pots} and now
            if {_waited} is less than 24 hours:
                send "you must wait %difference between 24 hours and {_waited}%"
                set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "potsCooldown" to now
                save yaml "potsCooldown"
            execute player command "/kits"

command /resetkits [<player>]:
        if player has permission "sky.admin":
            if arg-1 is set:
                if arg-1 is online:
                    set yaml value "cooldown.%arg-1's uuid%" from "dailyCooldown" to 24 hours
                    set yaml value "cooldown.%arg-1's uuid%" from "weeklyCooldown" to 168 hours
                    set yaml value "cooldown.%arg-1's uuid%" from "buildCooldown" to 0
                    set yaml value "cooldown.%arg-1's uuid%" from "monthlyCooldown" to 720 hours
                    set yaml value "cooldown.%arg-1's uuid%" from "potsCooldown" to 24 hours
                    save yaml "dailyCooldown"
                    save yaml "weeklyCooldown"
                    save yaml "buildCooldown"
                    save yaml "monthlyCooldown"
                    save yaml "potsCooldown"
                    send "&aKit timers reset for %arg-1%"
                    send "&c/resetkits [ONLINE player]"
                set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "dailyCooldown" to 24 hours
                set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "weeklyCooldown" to 168 hours
                set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "buildCooldown" to 0
                set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "monthlyCooldown" to 720 hours
                set yaml value "cooldown.%player's uuid%" from "potsCooldown" to 24 hours
                save yaml "dailyCooldown"
                save yaml "weeklyCooldown"
                save yaml "buildCooldown"
                save yaml "monthlyCooldown"
                save yaml "potsCooldown"
                send "&aKit timers reset for %player%"
            send "&3timisfit &f>>> Permission denied."
Comment out parts to see what causes the amount of delay
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