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Jul 9, 2020
Skript Version: Skript 2.2 (dev20c)
Skript Author: Bensku
Minecraft Version: 1.16.1

Hello! Im making a Minecraft Roleplay server and i want trashcans to fill every 3 seconds so you can take things out of it and sell them for money! But the problem is, it keeps getting errors and idk what to do so can please someone help me?

Full Code:
every 3 seconds:
    wait 3 seconds
    if block at event-location is level 0 composter:
        if loop-block is level 0 composter:
            set {_Location} to location of event-loop-block
            set block at {_Location} to level 1 composter
    wait 3 seconds
    if block at event-location is level 1 composter:
        set {_Location } to location of event-location
        set block at {_Location} to level 2 composter
    wait 3 seconds
    if block at event-location is level 2 composter:
        set {_Location } to location of event-location
        set block at {_Location} to level 3 composter
    wait 3 seconds
    if block at event-location is level 3 composter:
        set {_Location } to location of event-location
        set block at {_Location} to level 4 composter
    wait 3 seconds
    if block at event-location is level 4 composter:
        set {_Location } to location of event-location
        set block at {_Location} to level 5 composter
    wait 3 seconds
    if block at event-location is level 5 composter:
        set {_Location } to location of event-location
        set block at {_Location} to level 6 composter
    wait 3 seconds
    if block at event-location is level 6 composter:
        set {_Location } to location of event-location
        set block at {_Location} to level 7 composter
    wait 3 seconds
    if block at event-location is level 7 composter:
        set {_Location } to location of event-location
        set block at {_Location} to level 8 composter

Code (Skript):
  1. command /skUnity:
  2. trigger:
  3. message "&6&lskUnity... go here! http://skUnity.com" to person
Errors on Reload:

Code (Skript):
  1. Code:
    There's no world in a periodic event if no world is given in the event (eg. like 'every hour in "world"') (minetopiathings.sk, line 27: if block at event-location is level 1 composter:')
    There's no world in a periodic event if no world is given in the event (eg. like 'every hour in "world"') (minetopiathings.sk, line 32: if block at event-location is level 2 composter:')
    There's no world in a periodic event if no world is given in the event (eg. like 'every hour in "world"') (minetopiathings.sk, line 37: if block at event-location is level 3 composter:')
    There's no world in a periodic event if no world is given in the event (eg. like 'every hour in "world"') (minetopiathings.sk, line 42: if block at event-location is level 4 composter:')
    There's no world in a periodic event if no world is given in the event (eg. like 'every hour in "world"') (minetopiathings.sk, line 47: if block at event-location is level 5 composter:')
    There's no world in a periodic event if no world is given in the event (eg. like 'every hour in "world"') (minetopiathings.sk, line 52: if block at event-location is level 6 composter:')
    There's no world in a periodic event if no world is given in the event (eg. like 'every hour in "world"') (minetopiathings.sk, line 57: if block at event-location is level 7 composter:')
    There's no world in a periodic event if no world is given in the event (eg. like 'every hour in "world"') (minetopiathings.sk, line 62: if block at event-location is level 8 composter:')
Console Errors: (if applicable)

Code (Skript):
  1. Error here
Other Useful Info:

Addons using (including versions):
SkQuery, SkRayFall


Have you tried searching the docs? Yes
Have you tried searching the forums? No
What other methods have you tried to fix it? I tried 'on any movement' instead of 'every 3 seconds' but then it only changes if i look at the composter.
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