Compare list values

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2017
I want to make a slot machine with the minecraft colors.

This is the slots:
| A | B | C |
| D | E | F |
| G | H | I |

So, it's 9 slots, and each slot can have one of the 14 out of the 15 minecraft chat colors. (excluded white)

The issue I have is how to compare the result. I was doing manually and it was already at 300 lines when I gave up. The doc's does not helped me in this case.

Here the start of the command:

command /cn:
    clear {cn.%player%.resul::*}
    broadcast "&a%player%&r Feels lucky!!!"
    loop 9 times:
      set {cn.%player%.numero} to a random integer between 1 and 14
      if {cn.%player%.numero} is 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9:
        add "%{cn.%player%.numero}%" to {cn.%player%.resul::*}
      if {cn.%player%.numero} is 10:
        add "a" to {cn.%player%.resul::*}
      if {cn.%player%.numero} is 11:
        add "b" to {cn.%player%.resul::*}
      if {cn.%player%.numero} is 12:
        add "c" to {cn.%player%.resul::*}
      if {cn.%player%.numero} is 13:
        add "d" to {cn.%player%.resul::*}
      if {cn.%player%.numero} is 14:
        add "e" to {cn.%player%.resul::*}
    broadcast "|§%{cn.%player%.resul::1}% &&&&r | §%{cn.%player%.resul::4}%&&&&r | §%{cn.%player%.resul::7}%&&&&r |"
    broadcast "|§%{cn.%player%.resul::2}% &&&&r | §%{cn.%player%.resul::5}%&&&&r | §%{cn.%player%.resul::8}%&&&&r |"
    broadcast "|§%{cn.%player%.resul::3}% &&&&r | §%{cn.%player%.resul::6}%&&&&r | §%{cn.%player%.resul::9}%&&&&r |"

Is there an easy way to compare the lists? I've looked up for a syntax and I could not find it.
Example of syntax for you to recognize what I mean (this one is from my mind lol):

loop variable list:
  if 9 of the loop-value's are equal to each other:
    #huge prize
  if 8 of the loop-value's are equal to each other:
    #good prize
  if 7 of the loop-value's are equal to each other:
  if 6 of the loop-value's are equal to each other:
  if 5 of the loop-value's are equal to each other:
    #small prize
  if 4 of the loop-value's are equal to each other:
    #really small prize
  if 3 of the loop-value's are equal to each other:
    #tiny prize

I want to give prizes for the player when 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 or 3 slots are equal.
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