Solved Commands without "/"

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New Member
Dec 22, 2023
Is it possible to make commands without "/"? It sadly cant be as simple as:
on chat:
if message is "!test":
send "test"

It has to have arguments, like:
on chat:
if message is "!test <arg>":
send "test %arg%"

But that sadly doesn't work. Is there anyway to get around that?
Is it possible to make commands without "/"? It sadly cant be as simple as:
on chat:
if message is "!test":
send "test"

It has to have arguments, like:
on chat:
if message is "!test <arg>":
send "test %arg%"

But that sadly doesn't work. Is there anyway to get around that?
To fix this, simply have it check a list for arguments then have it run code. Then, to have your code spit out an argument, set the message as a separate variable then split it by setting it to a list. Here's an example:
on load:
   add "test1", "test2" and "test3" to {args::*}

on chat:
   if message contains "!test":
      if message contains {args::*}:
         set {_m} to message
         set {_arg::*} to {_m} split at "!test"
         send "test %{_arg::2}%" to player
Also, you could write code to make the original message typed disappear.