Solved Command Won't Work on Offline Players

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Jan 27, 2017
Hi, this is my Skript, I'm trying to make my server more secure by blocking administrators from seeing IP adresses unless I trust them enough, so I'm making a custom command with a password and permission but it's not seeming to work on offline players and I don't know how I would be able to fix this. Here's my Skript:
command /getip [<player>] [<text>]:
  permission: getip.use
  permission message: "&CYou don't have access to this command."
    if arg-1 is not set:
      message "&cYou must put a player's username."
    else if arg-1 is set:
      if arg-2 is not set:
        message "&cYou must put a password."
      else if arg-2 is set:
        if arg-2 is "password1":
          if arg-1 isn't "VoidStacker" or "GotUrDox" or "StrafinMC" or "Macrolect":
            message "&e%arg-1%'s &7IP adress is &e%IP of arg-1%&7."
          else if arg-1 is "VoidStacker" or "GotUrDox" or "StrafinMC" or "Macrolect":
            message "&cYou're not allowed to view this user's IP adress."
            message "&7Nice try though. ;)"
        else if arg-2 is not "password1":
          message "&cIncorrect password!"
Help would be much appreciated.
To be able to use a command on offline players, you must declare the argument as <offline player> instead of <player>.
Use [<offline player>] instead of [<player>].
[doublepost=1485546978,1485546944][/doublepost]Rip, as i posted that your comment popped up lol
It's because the IP expression doesn't support offline players, you'll have to use TuSKe and its player data expression:
if arg-1 isn't online:
    set {_IP} to player data of arg-1's ip
    set {_IP} to arg-1's ip
send "%arg-1%'s IP address is &e%{_IP}%&7."
It's because the IP expression doesn't support offline players, you'll have to use TuSKe and its player data expression:
if arg-1 isn't online:
    set {_IP} to player data of arg-1's ip
    set {_IP} to arg-1's ip
send "%arg-1%'s IP address is &e%{_IP}%&7."
That might work, before you posted this I restarted, on join I'm just going to save their IP to a list and it'll draw the IP from the list.
That might work, before you posted this I restarted, on join I'm just going to save their IP to a list and it'll draw the IP from the list.
You can do that, however, what I said would be a lot more efficient such as it doesn't need of useless vars
You can do that, however, what I said would be a lot more efficient such as it doesn't need of useless vars
I'm using the variables for many other things as well.
You can do that, however, what I said would be a lot more efficient such as it doesn't need of useless vars
I decided to try it since my way isn't working, errors. (Yes I installed the addon)
Edit: Wrote it wrong, trying again now.
I'm using the variables for many other things as well.
I decided to try it since my way isn't working, errors. (Yes I installed the addon)
Edit: Wrote it wrong, trying again now.
Fixed my error, but it's still messaging "<none>" when I try it on offline players.
I made a skript like this, but different. It's from a api that uses %player's ip%.
EDIT: It requires a key to work with.



I made a skript like this, but different. It's from a api that uses %player's ip%.
EDIT: It requires a key to work with.



In what way is that a help to my question?
In what way is that a help to my question?
try to see if it works.
EDIT: That's using tabs, not spaces. :emoji_slight_smile:
command /getip [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
    permission: getip.use
    permission message: "&CYou don't have access to this command."
        if arg-1 is not set:
            message "&cYou must put a player's username."
        else if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-2 is not set:
                message "&cYou must put a password."
            else if arg-2 is set:
                if arg-2 is "password1":
                    if arg-1 isn't "VoidStacker" or "GotUrDox" or "StrafinMC" or "Macrolect":
                        message "&e%arg-1%'s &7IP adress is &e%IP of arg-1%&7."
                    else if arg-1 is "VoidStacker" or "GotUrDox" or "StrafinMC" or "Macrolect":
                        message "&cYou're not allowed to view this user's IP adress."
                        message "&7Nice try though. ;)"
                else if arg-2 is not "password1":
                    message "&cIncorrect password!"
You'll have to store the IP of the player to a variable when they connect, and insert the variable.

on join:
    set {ips::%name of player%} to "%ip of player%"

command /ip [<offline player>]:
        # do stuff
        message "The IP of %arg 1% is %{ips::%name of arg-1%}%"

Seriously. Why does nobody think of such basic things, and instead makes it more complicated... Complicated != good.
You'll have to store the IP of the player to a variable when they connect, and insert the variable.

on join:
    set {ips::%name of player%} to "%ip of player%"

command /ip [<offline player>]:
        # do stuff
        message "The IP of %arg 1% is %{ips::%name of arg-1%}%"

Seriously. Why does nobody think of such basic things, and instead makes it more complicated... Complicated != good.
I was 99% sure that would work, tried it that way and it doesn't.
on join:
  set {ip::%name of player%} to "%IP of player%"
command /getip [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  permission: ip.getip
  permission message: &cYou don't have access to this command.
    if arg-1 is not set:
      message "&cYou must put a player's username."
    else if arg-1 is set:
      if arg-2 is not set:
        message "&cYou must put the password!"
      else if arg-2 is set:
        if arg-2 is "password99":
          message "&f&l%arg-1% &8- &b&l%{ip::%name of arg-1%}%"
        else if arg-2 is not "password99":
          message "&c&lIncorrect password!"
Edit: Forgot to mention that it comes up with <none> no errors.
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I was 99% sure that would work, tried it that way and it doesn't.
on join:
  set {ip::%name of player%} to "%IP of player%"
command /getip [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  permission: ip.getip
  permission message: &cYou don't have access to this command.
    if arg-1 is not set:
      message "&cYou must put a player's username."
    else if arg-1 is set:
      if arg-2 is not set:
        message "&cYou must put the password!"
      else if arg-2 is set:
        if arg-2 is "password99":
          message "&f&l%arg-1% &8- &b&l%{ip::%name of arg-1%}%"
        else if arg-2 is not "password99":
          message "&c&lIncorrect password!"
Edit: Forgot to mention that it comes up with <none> no errors.
Then try this

on join:
    set {_s} to "%player%" parsed as an offline player
    set {ip::%{_s}%} to "%ip of player%"
command /getip [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  permission: ip.getip
  permission message: &cYou don't have access to this command.
    if arg-1 is not set:
      message "&cYou must put a player's username."
    else if arg-1 is set:
      if arg-2 is not set:
        message "&cYou must put the password!"
      else if arg-2 is set:
        if arg-2 is "password99":
          message "&f&l%arg-1% &8- &b&l%{ip::%arg-1%}%"
        else if arg-2 is not "password99":
          message "&c&lIncorrect password!"

Tested and worked fine for me.
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