Solved Command to show other admins someone is using worldedit

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Jul 9, 2023
I saw this on another server it showed when someone used worldedit but it only sent the message to admins and showed what action they did: set, wall and so on any way to replicate that in skript?
sure! Here is a worldeditlogger skript, but CoreProtect also has this.

On command:
    if the command contains "/":
        loop all players:
            if loop-player has permission "skript.wea":
                send "&c&lADMIN &6➲ %player% is using worldedit! /%full command%" to loop-player

HOW IT WORKS: Due to skript (when checking commands) ignoring the first /, we can see if the command contains "/", which would mean "//x" or "/x/" would trigger the alert.

A better solution would be
On command:
    if the command contains "/":
        if player has permission "worldedit.use":
            loop all players:
                if loop-player has permission "skript.wea":
                    send "&c&lADMIN &6➲ %player% is using worldedit! /%full command%" to loop-player
            send "&c&lSECURITY &6➲ Account %player% does not have the permission worldedit.use so you can not use worldedit commands :c"
            cancel event

What this new thing does is only lets plrs with "worldedit.use" use world-edit commands, and any1 else who doesn't cant use them (this also wont send an alert to admins)