Solved Command not Working

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New Member
Feb 18, 2017
When I have this code, and I run /fund, it says "Unknown command. Type "/help" for help."

command /fund [<text>] [<text>]:
        if arg-1 is "add":
            if arg-2 is set:
                if arg-2 is not "0":
                    set {_waited} to difference between {fundcooldown.%player%} and now
                    if {_waited} is less than 5 minutes:
                        send "&c&l(!) &cYou must wait %difference between 5 minutes and {_waited}% to deposit more money."
                        execute player command "/withdrawmoney %arg-2%"
                        if player has 1 paper named "&6&lBank Note &7(Right Click)" with lore "&eValue &f$%arg-2%||&eSigner &7%player%":
                            remove 1 paper named "&6&lBank Note &7(Right Click)" with lore "&eValue &f$%arg-2%||&eSigner &7%player%" from player
                            set {funded.%player%} to arg-2 parsed as a number
                            wait 1 tick
                            add {funded.%player%} to {newfund}
                            execute console command "/broadcastaddfund %arg-2% %player%"
                            add {funded.%player%} to {funded::%player%}
                            set {fundcooldown.%player%} to now
                    send "&c&l(!) &cThe amount cannot be 0!"
                send "&c&l(!) &cPlease specify an amount!"
        if arg-1 is "help":
            send ""
            send "&6&l(!) &e&lFund Help:"
            send "&6/fund >> Check the global fund."
            send "&6/fund add (amount) >> Add money to the fund."
            send "&6/fund help >> Come back here."
            send ""
        if arg-1 is not set:
            execute console command "/sendfund %{newfund}% %player%"
            send "&7Add $ to the /fund and unlock new content for your entire server with &7&n/fund add <$>&7!" to player
            send "" to player
            if {newfund} is less than 25000000:
                set {_percent1} to {newfund}/25000000
                set {_percent2} to {_percent1}*100
                if {_percent2} is less than 11:
                    send "&6&lUnlock /gkit [&c%{_percent2}%%%&6&l]" to player
                    send "&a|||||&c||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| &6&l$25m" to player
                if {_percent2} is less than 21:
                    if {_percent2} is more than 10:
                        send "&6&lUnlock /gkit [&c%{_percent2}%%%&6&l]" to player
                        send "&a||||||||||&c|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| &6&l$25m" to player
                if {_percent2} is less than 31:
                    if {_percent2} is more than 20:
                        send "&6&lUnlock /gkit [&c%{_percent2}%%%&6&l]" to player
                        send "&a|||||||||||||||&c||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| &6&l$25m" to player
                if {_percent2} is less than 41:
                    if {_percent2} is more than 30:
                        send "&6&lUnlock /gkit [&e%{_percent2}%%%&6&l]" to player
                        send "&a||||||||||||||||||||&c|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| &6&l$25m" to player
                if {_percent2} is less than 51:
                    if {_percent2} is more than 40:
                        send "&6&lUnlock /gkit [&e%{_percent2}%%%&6&l]" to player
                        send "&a|||||||||||||||||||||||||&c||||||||||||||||||||||||| &6&l$25m" to player
                if {_percent2} is less than 61:
                    if {_percent2} is more than 50:
                        send "&6&lUnlock /gkit [&e%{_percent2}%%%&6&l]" to player
                        send "&a||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||&c|||||||||||||||||||| &6&l$25m" to player
                if {_percent2} is less than 71:
                    if {_percent2} is more than 60:
                        send "&6&lUnlock /gkit [&e%{_percent2}%%%&6&l]" to player
                        send "&a|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||&c||||||||||||||| &6&l$25m" to player
                if {_percent2} is less than 81:
                    if {_percent2} is more than 70:
                        send "&6&lUnlock /gkit [&e%{_percent2}%%%&6&l]" to player
                        send "&a||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||&c|||||||||| &6&l$25m" to player
                if {_percent2} is less than 91:
                    if {_percent2} is more than 80:
                        send "&6&lUnlock /gkit [&a%{_percent2}%%%&6&l]" to player
                        send "&a|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||&c||||| &6&l$25m" to player
                if {_percent2} is less than 100:
                    if {_percent2} is more than 90:
                        send "&6&lUnlock /gkit [&a%{_percent2}%%%&6&l]" to player
                        send "&a|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||&c||||| &6&l$25m" to player
                if {_percent2} is more than 99:
                    send "&6&l&mUnlock /gkit [&a&m%{_percent2}%%%&6&lm]" to player
                    send "&a|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| &6&l$25m" to player
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