I wanted a very simple Skript (script)
Basically, there will be a list of commands that are allowed to be executed. When a player executes a command other than the one in the list, it will throw a message and cancel event (like Unknown command)
This is to prevent people from getting the plugins.
This is how I wanted it to be like:
a list of allowed commands,
on command: check if the command is in the list
if true, continue with execution of the command.
else send a message "Unknown command" and cancel event
I tried to make it myself but I got lost very easily Dx. Can someone help me with this?
I wanted a very simple Skript (script)
Basically, there will be a list of commands that are allowed to be executed. When a player executes a command other than the one in the list, it will throw a message and cancel event (like Unknown command)
This is to prevent people from getting the plugins.
This is how I wanted it to be like:
a list of allowed commands,
on command: check if the command is in the list
if true, continue with execution of the command.
else send a message "Unknown command" and cancel event
I tried to make it myself but I got lost very easily Dx. Can someone help me with this?